SCI 335 Week 7 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University

SCI 335 Week 7 Quiz 1 | Wilmington University

Week 7: Test: Chapter 9

Question 1

Three general functions of the nervous system are  

·         sensory, motor, and predictive.  

·         integrative, motor, and sensory.  

·         predictive, manipulative, and integrative.  

·         reflexive, sensory, and predictive.


 Question 2

A myelinated nerve fiber is characterized by being ______, whereas an unmyelinated nerve fiber is characterized by being ______.  

·         white, and composing the white matter of the brain and spinal cord; gray, and composing the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord  

·         None of these is correct.  

·         white, and composing the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord; gray, and composing the white matter of the brain and spinal cord    

·         gray, and composing the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord; white, and composing the white matter of the brain and spinal cord


Question 3

Interneurons are specialized to carry impulses from receptor cells into the brain or spinal cord.  

·         True   

·         False


 Question 4

A(n) ______ is the junction between the parts of two neurons.

·         synapse

·         synapse


Question 5

Nerve impulses are usually transmitted from a dendrite to an axon or nerve cell body.  

·         True

·         False

 Question 6

Dendrites found on unipolar neurons are part of  

·         interneurons  

·         motor neurons   

·         sensory neurons  

·         efferent neurons



Question 7

Clusters of neuron cell bodies are called  

·         soma  

·         ganglia  

·         nuclei 

·         axons



Question 8

Neurons are ______, whereas neuroglial cells are _______.  

cells that conduct nerve impulses, fill spaces, and support parts; cells that connect nerve tissue to surrounding organs 

·         nerves; nerve cells 

·         nerve cells; structural and functional units of the nervous system  

·         structural and functional units of the nervous system; accessory cells in nerve tissue


Question 9

Nodes of Ranvier occur between adjacent neurons.  

·         True

·         False


Question 10

The cytoplasmic extensions that, together with the cell body, provide the main receptive surfaces for neurons are  

·         nissl fibers. 

·         axons.  

·         dendrites. 

·         neurofibrils.


Question 11

Since the response of a nerve fiber is all-or-none, a greater intensity of stimulus does not produce a stronger impulse.  

·         True  

·         False


Question 12

A reflex is an automatic, unconscious response to changes occurring inside or outside of the body.

·         True

·         False


 Question 13

When a stimulus is sufficiently great enough to change the membrane potential and propagate an axon potential, it is called  

·         tetanus 

·         threshold  

·         recruitement  

·         summation


Question 14

Reflexes help to control 

·         All of these are correct.  

·         blood pressure.  

·         heart rate.         

·         digestive activities.


Question 15

When an action potential passes over the surface of a synaptic knob, the contents of the vesicles are released in response to the presence of  

·         neuropeptides.  

·         calcium ions.  

·         neurotransmitters.  

·         sodium ions.


Question 16

The interconnected, fluid-filled cavities within the brain are called ______.

·         ventricles

·         ventricles


Question 17

The spinothalamic tract conducts impulses  

·         that stimulate movements in skeletal muscles.    

·         up the spinal cord to the thalamus.    

·         from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex.  

·         down the spinal cord from the thalamus.


Question 18

The phrenic nerves arise from the  

·         cervical plexuses.  

·         brachial plexuses.  

·         lumbar plexuses.   

·         sacral plexuses.


Question 19

Nerve tracts other than the corticospinal tracts that transmit impulses into the spinal cord are called extrapyramidal tracts.  

·         True  

·         False

Question 20

The corticospinal tracts function in the control of  

·         posture.  

·         spinal reflexes.  

·         sweat glands.   

·         voluntary muscle movements.


Question 21

The somatic nervous system consists of nerve fibers that connect the CNS to the ______, whereas the autonomic nervous system consists of fibers that connect the ______.  

·         skin and skeletal muscles; CNS to the visceral organs  

·         visceral organs; CNS to the skin and skeletal muscles  

·         heart and intestines; CNS to the cardiac and smooth muscles    

·         skin and skeletal muscles; brain to the spinal cord


Question 22

Nerve fibers of the ______ division of the autonomic nervous system arise from the brain stem and the sacral region of the spinal cord.

·         parasympathetic

·         parasympathetic


Question 23

The outermost layer of the meninges is the ______ ______.

·         dura mater

·         dura mater


Question 24

The complex network of tiny islands of gray matter within the brain that acts as a filter for incoming sensory impulses is the  

·         corpora quadrigemina.  

·         dentate nucleus. 

·         limbic system. 

·         reticular formation.


Question 25

Which of the following is not a part of the diencephalon?  

·         thalamus  

·         hypothalamus 

·         anterior pituitary gland  

·         posterior pituitary gland


Question 26

The cerebrum is separated from the cerebellum by the  

·         longitudinal fissure.    

·         transverse fissure.  

·         central sulcus. 

·         lateral sulcus.


Question 27

The primary motor areas of the brain are located in the  

·         posterior sulcus of the temporal lobe.  

·         lateral portion of the occipital lobe.  

·         postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe.

·         precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe.


Question 28

If the area of the cerebral hemisphere corresponding to Broca's area is damaged, what is the result?  

·         Motor control of the muscles associated with speech is lost.  

·         Motor control to the right leg is impaired.  

·         Eyesight is lost.  

·         Memory is lost.


Question 29

Basal ganglia are located in the ______ and function to ______.  

·         cerebral hemispheres; aid in coordination of equilibrium motor activities

·         deep regions of the cerebral hemispheres; aid in control of motor activities 

·         frontal lobe; aid in control of motor activities 

·         brain stem; relay motor impulses originating in the cerebral cortex


Question 30

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by ______ and it functions to______.  

·         choroid plexuses in the ventricles; protect the brain from blows to the skull  

·         arachnoid villi in the dura sinus; provide a pathway to the blood for waste substances  

·         capillaries in the dura mater of the ventricles; provide moisture to the surface of the brain tissue 

·         dura mater; maintain a stable ionic concentration in the CNS



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