Psychology CC 5 Week 1 Unit 1 Exam | chatbot las positas community college

Psychology CC 5 Week 1 Unit 1 Exam | chatbot las positas  community college

Question 1

If there are 20 girls and 10 boys in a class, the ratio of boys to girls is calculated as:


·         10/20.

·         10/30.  

·         20/10.  

·         30/20.



Question 2

Is the following table Value-Ascending or Value-Descending?

Rating   f

7              3

5              2

1              1


·         Value-Descending

·         Value-Ascending



Question 3

Suppose a researcher chooses to measure age as a number between 18 and 110. What level of measurement is age for this research question?  

·         Interval/ratio

·         Ordinal 

·         Nominal 

·         Joe Mama


Question 4

Joining a radical environmentalist group to understand group dynamics and gather data over time is an example of which research strategy? 

·         Participant observation   

·         Experiment 

·         Survey 

·         Meta-analysis 

·         Filthy Communism


Question 5

A social work student is interested in studying the relationship between the age of adults and their view on offshore drilling. The student plans to compare adults who consider themselves either extremely anti-drilling, somewhat anti-drilling, neutral, pro-drilling, or very pro-drilling.

The dependent variable is _______________.    

·         view on offshore drilling.  

·         the students’ major. 

·         state in which the person lives.  

·         none of these answers are correct.  

·         the professor's love of the Drake meme.


Question 6

A useful analogy for the meaning of average is the:  

·         lever and fulcrum (seesaw). 

·         middle of the highway. 

·         highest value. 

·         most frequent value. 

·         Joseph Madre.


Question 7

If you have interval data with no skew or extreme scores, which measure of central tendency should use as your "average"?    

·         Mean   

·         Mode 

·         Median  

·         What Amazing Peanuts


Question 8

In a bimodal distribution of scores, central tendency is best measured by ___________  

·         the mode.   

·         the median. 

·         the mean. 

·         Whetted Appetite Points.


Question 9

A distribution with a tail situated to the right is ___________________  

·         positively skewed.   

·         negatively skewed. 

·         symmetrical. 

·         a normal curve. 

·         perfectly balanced.


Question 10

Randomly assigning individuals to either a "shock group" or a "non-shock group" and measuring their levels of stress hormones would probably be considered a(n) ______________.    

·         experiment 

·         correlational study  

·         participant observation 

·         case study 

·         act from the high ground


Question 11

Which of the following is not a research strategy?  

·         Interval data   

·         Participant observation 

·         Survey 

·         Experiment


Question 12

In an experiment, the group not subject to experimental manipulation is called the ________ group. 

·         Control   

·         treatment 

·         independent 

·         random 

·         BTS



Question 13

A social work student is interested in studying the relationship between the age of adults and their view on offshore drilling. The student plans to compare adults who consider themselves either extremely anti-drilling, somewhat anti-drilling, neutral, pro-drilling, or very pro-drilling.

The independent variable is _________________.    

·         age.   

·         view on offshore drilling.  

·         state in which the person lives.  

·         the social work student. 

·         the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.



Question 14

A distribution with an equal mean, median, and mode is said to be __________________.    

·         symmetrical.   

·         bimodal. 

·         negatively skewed. 

·         positively skewed.


Question 15

In a hypothesis, the presumed effect is called the _____________________  

·         dependent variable.  

·         independent variable.   

·         aggregate. 

·         constant.

·         macarena.


Question 16

The median of a distribution is _______________________

·         the middlemost point. 

·         the most frequent value that occurs. 

·         the most extreme point.

·         in a galaxy far, far away.


Question 17

A social work student is interested in studying the relationship between the age of adults and their view on offshore drilling. The student plans to compare adults who consider themselves either extremely anti-drilling, somewhat anti-drilling, neutral, pro-drilling, or very pro-drilling.

What level of measurement is “view on offshore drilling” for this research question?  

·         Ordinal  

·         Nominal  

·         Interval/ratio    

·         None of these answers are correct. 

·         Coffin Dance


Question 18

If you have interval data with extreme scores and no repeated values, which measure of central tendency should you use as your "average"?    

·         Median 

·         Mean   

·         Mode 

·         Wiley Artistic Point


Question 19

The mode is the ___________________.    

·         value with the highest frequency   

·         the middle of the distribution 

·         the arithmetic average 

·         Coffin Dance at double speed

·         the cumulative percent



Question 20

In a hypothesis, the presumed cause is called the _________________________.    

·         independent variable.   

·         dependent variable. 

·         aggregate.

·         constant. 

·         mein booty.


Question 21

Count = 200

How are you feeling today?        Frequency          Percent of Total                Cumulative Frequency  Cumulative Percent of Total

·         Bad        54                                          

·         Great    74                                          

·         Meh      72                                           x

·         What is x?


Question 22

Count = 200

How are you feeling today?        Frequency          Percent of Total                Cumulative Frequency  Cumulative Percent of Total

·         Bad        54                                          

·         Great    74                                           x

·         Meh      72                                          

·         What is x?


Question 23

Agreement Rating for "Life is difficult."  f

7              7

5              2

3              3

1              5

Based on this above frequency table, which rating in the survey is least common?


·         5   



·         1

·         2


Question 24

Based on the following data, what is the mean?

59, 100, 174



Question 25

Frequency table results for How are you feeling today?:


Count = 200

How are you feeling today?        Frequency          Percent of Total                Cumulative Frequency  Cumulative Percent of Total

Bad        54                                          

Great    74                                          

Meh      72           x                             

What is x?


Question 26

Rating for "How are you feeling?"            f

Yaas Queen        3

Life sucks, bro   5

Crunk    3

I'd like to yeet off this earth.       1

Based on the above frequency table, which statement in the survey is most common?


·         Life sucks, bro  

·         Crunk  

·         Yaas Queen  

·         I'd like to yeet off this earth.



Question 27

Based on the following data, what is the median?

5, 10, 15, 2



Question 28

Based on the following data, what is the median?

59, 100, 174



Question 29

Based on the following data, what is the median?

99, 99, 190, 33



Question 30

Based on the following data, what is the mean?

5, 10, 15, 2


Question 31

Based on the following data, what is the n?

900, 100, 1000, 500, 500



Question 32

Rating for "How are you feeling?"            f

Yaas Queen        8

Life sucks, bro   5

Crunk    3

I'd like to yeet off this earth.       1

Based on the above frequency table, what is the mode?


·         Yaas Queen 

·         Life sucks, bro 

·         Crunk 

·         I'd like to yeet off this earth.


Question 33

How are you feeling today?        Frequency          Percent of Total                Cumulative Frequency  Cumulative Percent of Total

Bad        54                                          

Great    74                           x             

Meh      72                                          

What is x?  


Question 34

Based on the following data, what is the mean?

99, 99, 190, 33

*in hundredths place



Question 35

Based on the following data, what is the n?

5, 10, 15, 2



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