The Information Technology Laboratory

The Information Technology Laboratory


The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) promotes the U.S. economy and public welfare by providing technical leadership for the Nation’s measurement and standards infrastructure. Recently NIST has published an internal report on “A Taxonomy and Terminology of Adversarial Machine Learning” (link below). This NIST Interagency/Internal Report (NISTIR) is intended as a step toward securing applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially against adversarial manipulations of Machine Learning (ML), by developing a taxonomy and terminology of Adversarial Machine Learning (AML). 


Please see the details of the task in the Task Description section.  

Task Description

Suppose you are working in an organization who are developing a report on the vulnerabilities of machine learning models due to adversarial attacks. Your manager has asked you to provide a 600 word report to submit within the next week. His expectation is that the 600 words report will cover the attack taxonomies, defense mechanisms and consequences. Instructions:

1. Read the NIST article from the below.


2. Identify five important attack types. Summarize in approx. 300 words 

Hint: The above figure demonstrates the attack categories. It has been obtained from Figure 2 of the report.

2. Summarize the defense mechanisms for the attack types you identified in step 1. (Approx. 200 words)

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