Design and develop a database and communications system
The Advance Practice program at Northumbria University takes is circa 600 students across two departments every semester to group them and place them on industry projects over a twelve week period.
These students need to be regularly contacted and tracked, evaluated around the areas of their disciplines and expertise and matched to specific projects with our industry clients. Each team is also assigned an academic supervisor and and industrial supervisor to guide them.
This creates a complex calendar of meetings, a need to track and understand the progress of each group and individual students and a large burden of comms to be managed for students Academic supervisors and clients.
Your task is to design a GDPR sensitive database model similar to air table or mail chimp that could store the information securely, be accessed appropriately by various stakeholders and could automate the burden of communications currently falling o the small AP team.
Report Recommended structure
Section one
Clear identification of learning
objectives set out at the start of the semester
Clear identification of evidence
that is provided as appendix to this report against all learning objectives
Section two
Discuss the challenges faced in your advanced practice
semester, both in achievement of your
personal learning objectives and in the practical work set out for you either
by your employer or in your individual element of your group project.
Section 3
Read the web page by James Anderson:- Identify where you are or, where you want to
be, in terms of the Learner Agency
Matrix. Ideally summarise where you want
to be in terms of challenges, Habits of mind
(, engagement
with mistakes, receipt of feedback and use of your time and energy when you are
engaged with professional development activities.
Section 4
Set out a professional development plan using
your own structure of using one of the templates on Blackboard under the tab
PDP material
What will I be expected to
Specific achievements will be defined within your
individual learning contract. However, all students are expected to achieve the
following :
Knowledge & Understanding:
* MLO1: Reflect upon, challenge and extend existing personal knowledge of your
* MLO2: Evidence an enhanced understanding of your discipline through the
application of existing knowledge in unfamiliar learning environments and
through the acquisition of new knowledge and perspectives derived from
experience out-with your formal taught programme.
Intellectual/Professional skills & abilities:
* MLO3: Exercise self-direction of your own learning by identifying and
managing tasks individually and as a member of a team which address your
personal goals.
* MLO4: Demonstrate mastery of intellectual and professional skills appropriate
to your discipline.
* MLO5: Critically analyse and communicate ideas in appropriate written and
verbal forms.
Personal Values/Attributes:
* MLO6: Demonstrate self-awareness of personal development.
How will I be assessed?
Formative assessment: This will vary according to the mode of Advanced Practice
Summative assessment:
1. Reflective Account
You will provide a 3,000 word reflective account of your learning during your
Advanced Practice activity. This will clearly articulate and evaluate
achievements related to goals identified in your personal learning contract and
be supported by a portfolio of evidence.
Guidance will be provided to enable you to understand what is expected in your
portfolio of evidence and how your reflective account will be assessed.
2. Poster
You will deliver a 10 minute poster presentation to staff, including your
academic mentor, and peers. The poster will focus on the core learning derived
from your Advanced Practice, but should also detail the experiential learning
Both components are pass fail. Both must be passed to pass the module.
Feedback: Your reflective account will be returned to you with annotated
comments directly related to the assessment task. You will receive written and
verbal feedback on your poster presentation.
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