Working of Hybrid Solar –Wind System

Working of Hybrid Solar –Wind System

Chapter 1: Introduction


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1.1 Background

Environmental protection is the key for sustainable development in this era. This motivates the exploration of opportunities for energy generation from more environmentally friendly resources. In this regard, the renewables are the most favourable sources tofulfil the demand while minimising environmental harm. Wind (onshore & offshore) and photovoltaic solar, are the most popular renewable technologies. However, these sources also come with certain challenges as they are purely weather dependant. The stochastic and intermittent nature of renewables create opportunities to deal with these challenges. Coupling these systems with the emerging energy storage technologies allows decoupling of electricity supply and generating.In order to implement such a hybrid system, it is necessary to optimally design and control these resources in such a way that their output can be optimized according to the demand, while dispatching them in a least cost manner. This will be helpful for all stakeholders to maximise the overall utility of the system.


This project report represents the methodology to receive maximum power from Solar and wind energy source. The research Optimal Scheduling of Embedded Generation Connected to Grid Systems is work mainly focuses on solar, wind and battery storage as sources of embedded generation. Intermittent and stochastic nature of solar and wind power sources creates uncertainty in the system.


The location for the proposed system is Thursday island, a small island community in far north Queensland, which is not connected to the mainland grid. It has a population of approximately 3000 people and is the administrative centre for the Torres Strait (TS) Islands. This island currently receives power from diesel generators and 2 wind turbines, however there is potential for the reduction of diesel consumption by incorporating solar panels, battery storage and additional wind turbines.


A PV cell system is an electronic component that works as an alternative source of power. That generates electricity when exposed to photons, or particles of light. The system is equipped with different materials to absorb more sunlight thereby produces more electricity from the sun light.

Solar cell’s efficiency of is based on the amount of sunlight that it absorbs which is ratio of total electricity produced from the system and total sun light absorbed. The level of the efficiency of solar cell generally ranges between 10% to 40%.


Different types of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) process are utilized while generating electricity from solar and wind sources. MPPT is a technique that included in the variable power sources such as solar and wind etc. for maximizing power extractions under all the conditions. The point at which solar PV and wind turbine generates maximum power is known as maximum power point-MPP.  The task of tracking such point to produce high electricity is known as maximum power point tracking – MPPT. The working concept behind MPPT is extracting the maximum available power from the PV or wind sources to make them work at most efficient voltage. It checks the output of the PV module or wind module as well as compares it with the voltage of battery and then fixes the best power that is produced by the PV module for charging the battery. It also converts to the best voltage for getting maximum power into battery. It supplies power to the DC load that connects directly with the battery. In PV as well as wind module, both converts such as AC to DC as well as DC to DC utilizes the technology MPPT. It belongs to two categories such as conventional method and advanced method.  The PV system is using in many countries to produce electricity. This form of energy is cheap than any other method due to the availability of free natural resources such as sun and wind as well as the low-cost PV system.


PV conversion of solar energy is the attractive method in more countries to produce electricity. The PV market is depending on C-crystalline S-silicon -c-Si.  Solar energy is one of the renewable energies that does not produce any harmful effect for the environment and human. The useful renewable energy can be converted into electricity through the process of PV conversion (PVC) in solar cells.  PV system has the silicon component. It is the material used in PV system for decades. It is the 1st generation solar panels. The PV market is based on the silicon. While designing the solar panels, other atoms are mixed silicon for improving the ability of silicon to absorb energy from sun and convert into the electricity.  In earlier day solar panels with silicon are costly due to the need of high-quality silicon. Nowadays, due to the development of technology, low quality and cost silicon are used for solar panel that makes PV system more affordable. 



1.2 Aim and Objectives



Optimal Scheduling of PV, wind, and storage for the off-grid islanded system.



·         Analyse the load demand pattern of selected island

·         Select the appropriate renewables and associated components’ capacity (rating)

·         Design and simulate the system in HOMER software

·         Analyse the result and determine the most cost-optimal scheduling of renewables for a given demand pattern



The main aim of the research is to analyses the Optimal Scheduling of Embedded Generation Connected within the Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER)Software. The aim of this project is to achieveby viewing various research to achieve the require result. In this project, this research discussing Hybrid Wind Solar Energy (HWSE) system for remote area. During daytime, PV system will produce high electricity fuel to absorbing more energy from the sun. During night-time, solar panels do not produce much electricity. More wind energy will be converting more electricity. When wind energy gets reduced then generation of electricity will also get decreased. Solar and wind energy are variable energy sources. The grid is attached with the battery for producing the electricity in variable situations.


The main aim of the research work is to analyse the various research in the field of power grid with renewable energy sources. Grid is formed with different renewable energy sources. Various research has utilized different techniques for building efficient power grid with renewable sources. Power grid can be simulated with HOMER and MATLAB/Simulink software. Results will be analysed through the simulation results.


1.3 Research Questions

This research discusses a Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy system for rural and remote area. In the daytime, it can produce maximum energy from wind turbines and solar plant and in the night time, it can produce electricity by wind turbines also the energy can be stored in batteries when the demand of load is less than production and later the same stored energy can be utilised to reduce the peak demand. This research addresses the following concerns associated with the off-grid system:

1)   An appropriate size of the system to reduce cost and excess electricity generation as well as to use the available resources.

2)   This hybrid energy system will reduce NPC (Net Present Cost) and CO2 emission.

3)   This optimized proposed a hybrid a wind-solar energy system for providing power supply to an off-grid community.


1.4Limitations and Inclusions


·         Wind Energy system are noisy in operation

·         High installation cost for Hybrid system.

·         Efficiency of Solar System during cloudy & rainy days drop out

·         Low energy density.

·         Wind Speed

·         Battery Management System.


1.4.2 Inclusions

·         The circuit designing complexity is more.

·         As the first-time installation of project cost is higher.



1.5 Stakeholders


To successful completion of this Project research and Project implementation there are many stakeholders involved.

1.CQUniversity: To outlines the project a formal presentation will be presented by me in front of my lecturers, peers, and some industry professional. In this presentation real time working will be not shown because dummy results have same effect as in real world.

2.Academic Advisor/ Project Supervisor: Dr NarottamDas is my Academic supervisor as well unit coordinator. To ensure that this project research meet the academic criteria we have scheduled weekly meeting to check progress. It is a good way to gain knowledge, ideas and get feedback on tools to make project report effective.


1.6 Organization of This Thesis

This thesis is organised as follows:

Chapter1 describes the detail introduction with background, research questions, research gap, aim, objective, project limitations with inclusions are explained.

In the chapter2 Literature review with advantages and disadvantages of the renewable’s energy source were explained in detail.

In chapter3 Research methodology, compared different method and proposed method in details with sample output of HOM`ER software also explained different resources in detail.

In chapter4 Simulation resultsand discussion, that is based on HOMER software are explained on economic indicator. Also, I have compared initial cost, NPC, operational cost and maintenance cost of different resources and different hybrid energy system. 

In chapter5 the conclusion of research with outcomes with implementation of this project with recommendation explained.







Chapter 2: Literature Review


The high penetration of renewables in the existing grid system has posed many concerns and their uncertainty in energy output that must always be optimized to balance the generation and demand. The need of renewables is essential to meet the global energy demand at the same time achieving net zero goals. Various research has been done in the past regarding the inclusion of combination of embedded generators in the system. In (Parida, et al., 2011and Tyagi, et al., 2013), many PV module techniques have been studied but another research(Notton, et al., 2010) investigated that consideration of PV module alone cannot significantly affect the optimum capacity of grid-connected PV system. In the research of (Ramli, et al., 2015) finds the optimal size of PV inverter connected system but it still lacks in including other renewables for the efficient power system.A biogas enabled strategy is used along with the PV and wind in (Zhou, et al., 2015) to meet the peak demand in an islanded region but lacks in utilisation of battery as energy storage system. Another research in (Nguyen & Crow, 2015) which authors have used battery in the system incorporating its operating cost for the entire operation of system but didn’t consider the impact of operating costs associated with wind and solar. The renewables have however, high capital cost and low life-cycle costs as opposite to the conventional sources with low capital and high life-cycle costs(Mishra, et al., 2016). The optimum utilization of the clean energy resources would certainly benefit the larger part of community in the long run. The off-grid model combining solar-wind and hydro power is presented.The researchers in(Ghose, et al., 2017), (Tesema & Bekele, 2019) further enhanced the optimization model for variety of resources which include solar-wind hybrid system with battery storage. This is indeed an advancement in the previous research, but it surrounds at a specific location in Georgia and Ethiopia, respectively. An approach of scheduling renewable for isolated microgrid has been demonstrated in (Sufyan, et al., 2019) which uses the battery degradation cost and again lacks in considering the net cost for overall system for the optimal operation and investment. To make it further widespread model, this research will examine all the possibilities to get the least cost energy prices using a hybrid systemthat includes two or more energy sources and any storage module. It includes the weather-related factors, economic parameters, performance variables such as Voltage, current, frequency and temperature, solar so that hybrid system should be more reliable for local customers.

Proper modelling of hybrid system would optimize the power system network would bring benefits to consumers especially for rural areas(Arefin, 2020).Hybrid systems are therefore required to address the intermittent behaviour of wind and solar generation utilizing the potential of storage technologies(Klingenberg & Glassmire, 2020). A complete stand-alone system or islanded system can be accepted as a microgrid since it contains its own generation and means of load. Thus, a hybrid system in such cases is a matter of importance and battery storage is often employed in most of the cases. Therefore, the sources of energy utilized in this research consist of wind, solar and storage with certain load to optimize the system.


2.1 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) System


A simple PV cell transforms the light energy into DC electricity. It is composed of semiconductor materials to form a p-n junction. As the light falls on the PV cell, the electrons raise to higher energy state and acquires enough energy which creates a potential difference. Then the electron can travel to an external circuit connected to it for the purpose of generating current. Thus, the voltage is generated because of the photovoltaic phenomenon and the developed voltage then produce the current in a closed circuit (PVeducation, 2016). To increase the total output power, the PV cells are connected as modules and these modules are further connected to form arrays which can be seen from Fig. 1(Frisk, 2017).

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