Specific task instructions
Read each question carefully, ensuring you answer
all parts. The word count is a general guide and is provided to ensure you
write enough detail to adequately answer the question. All responses must be in
your own words, except where referring to the specific name or part of a source
of information, for example, the full name of a unit of competency.
Part 1: Plan, design and develop assessment tools
1. Research and provide the following information. Use approximately 30 - 80 words to completeall parts of this question.
a. List the name of the training package/s from your area of expertise that you will be using units of competency from to develop assessment tools and assess competence.
B Provide the web link to where you would find advice on this training package/s or course developer regarding contextualisation
C In your own words, describe what contextualisation is and give an example of how you would contextualise an assessment tool.
The development of assessment tools requires an understanding
of the components of training packages. Access the ASQA Training Packages webpage(https://www.asqa.gov.au/about/australias-vet-sector/training-packages)
and answer the following questions.
Why are training packages developed? Use approximately 20-30
words to complete this question.
a. List and describe the four endorsed components that make up a training package. Use approximately 50-100 words to complete this question.
2. Discuss two ways assessment tools can be trialled and reviewed. Your discussion is to include the strengths and weaknesses for each.Use approximately 50-100 words to complete this question.
Use the following tables to:
Describe the dimensions of competency. Use approximately 20-50
words to complete this entire question.
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