MAT 222 Week 5 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

MAT 222 Week 5 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

Using the function in the video, Example 13 – Stretching and Shrinking, if the factor of 3 was replaced with a factor of 1/2, the function would shrink the graph in toward the x–axis?


o   True

o   False



Question 2

When looking at the Video Example 87: Function Notation, which is located in the media section of Chapter 11, the presenter determines that the value of h(–3) is ____________.


o   4

o   3

o   2

o   1



Question 3

In the video for Exercise 13 – Absolute Value Functions, the lowest y–value on the graph is


o   3

o   2

o   1

o   0



Question 4

Using the function in the video, Example 87 – Function Notation, what value was substituted for x, and what was result of h(x) when this value of x was used?



o   x = 2; h(x) = 1

o   x = –3; h(x) = 1

o   x = 2; h(x) = –1

o   x = –3; h(x) = –1


Question 5

Using the function in the video, Example 13 – Absolute Value Functions, evaluate h(–4).



o   –5

o   –3

o   3

o   5



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