JRN 410 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

JRN 410 Week 2 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

A primary goal of free speech in the marketplace of ideas theory is

o discovery of the truth.

o improved self-government.

o the voting of wise decisions. 

o self-realization through speech.


Question 2

What is the Supreme Court doing when it issues a writ of certiorari?

o It is rejecting an appeal to rehear a case, noting that it is certain its first ruling was      correct.

o It is agreeing to hear the appeal of a lower court ruling.

o It is overturning a previous Supreme Court ruling.

o It is ordering a lower court to rehear a case.



Question 3

Which statement about U.S. Courts of Appeals is correct?

o There are nine U.S. Courts of Appeals, one for each justice on the Supreme Court.

o There are 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals. 

o There are four U.S. Courts of Appeals—one for the Eastern, Western, Southern, and Northern United States.

o Each state has its own U.S. Court of Appeals.



Question 4

As discussed in the textbook, when the United States Supreme Court heard a dispute between the states of New Jersey and Delaware over river rights, the Supreme Court was exercising what type of jurisdiction?

o Habeas Corpus 

o In rem

o Original 

o Derivative



Question 5

The Congress has the authority to abolish every federal court in the land, save the Supreme Court of the United States, because

o federal judges are appointed by the Congress. Correct!

o the Constitution specifically calls for only one court, the Supreme Court.

o the Congress controls the federal budget, including the budget for the courts.

o the Congress is the supreme government institution because it represents the people.

o The answer can be found in Chapter One, pp. 16-18.


Question 6

Which one of the following First Amendment theories privileges political speech above other types of speech in a hierarchical approach?

o Self-Realization theory 

o Absolutist theory 

o Marketplace of ideas theory

o Meiklejohnian theory


Question 7

The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are called

o the Articles of Confederation. 

o the Charter of Human Rights. Correct!

o the Bill of Rights.

o the Declaration of Independence.



Question 8

The concept of “statutory construction” best refers to which one of the following?

o The process of courts and judges interpreting the meaning of statutes

o The process of courts and judges interpreting the meaning of the common law

o The process of legislative bodies creating and drafting statutes 

o The process of legislative bodies creating and drafting the common law


Question 9

Laws limiting minors’ access to video games depicting violent images are subject to the standard of judicial review known as

o rigorous review. Correct!

o strict scrutiny.

o reasonable review.

o intermediate scrutiny.



Question 10

Government agencies like the Federal Communications Commission create rules that make up the bulk of what we know as

o corporate law.

o administrative law.

o statutory law 

o common law.



Question 11

In 2008, the Supreme Court of South Dakota protected the right of a man to yell profanities at police officers.

o True 

o False



Question 12

Places like prisons, military bases and utility poles typically are treated by courts to be designated public forums.

o True

o False


Question 13

In the case of Barber v. Dearborn Public Schools involving a t-shirt that carried a political message, a federal judge applied the rule and precedent from which of the following four U.S. Supreme Court decisions?

o Morse v. Frederick 

o Bethel School District v. Fraser

o Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeie.orrect!

o Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District



Question 14

In order to justify the censorship of the speech of a public school student that is sexually lewd, vulgar or offensive, one should look to the precedent and rule created by the United States Supreme Court in which one of the following four cases?

o Morse v. Frederick Correct!

o Bethel School District v. Fraser

o Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

o Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District 


Question 15

The concept of secret dockets best relates to which one of the following?

o an exemption to FOIA that protects against the release of natural security records.

o the Supreme Court’s private memoranda on a case circulated among the justices.

o military operations from which journalists are excluded without prior notice.Correct!

o the removal from public inspection of records showing the existence of a case.

o The answer can be found in Chapter Three, pp. 81-82.

Question 16

Under the fighting words doctrine, it is permissible for a state to prosecute someone without infringing on First Amendment rights in which of the following situations?

o A newspaper publishes racially explosive comments in an editoria 

o A speaker at a rally makes derogatory racial comments about persons not at the rally

o A person circulates a racist pamphlet or paints a Nazi symbol on a buildingCorrect!

o During a heated dispute between two persons, one of them shouts a racial slur directly at the other


Question 17

In order to justify the censorship of a public school newspaper that is part of the curriculum and sponsored by the school, one should look to the precedent and rule created by the United States Supreme Court in which one of the following four cases?

o Morse v. Frederick 

o Bethel School District v. FraserCorrect!

o Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

o Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District


Question 18

The First Amendment was an effective tool in blocking prosecutions under the Espionage Act of 1917.

o True 

o False



Question 19

The First Amendment precludes the government from assessing taxes against newspapers, magazines, and broadcasting stations.

o True

o False


Question 20

In Pitt News v. Pappert (2004), a federal appellate court

o upheld as constitutional a law restricting political signs in college dormitories.

o upheld as constitutional a law treating college newspapers like high school newspapers.Correct!

o struck down as unconstitutional a law restricting alcohol ads in college newspapers.

o struck down as unconstitutional a law criminalizing the theft of college newspapers.

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