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Planet Middles brough Action Plan
The One Planet
Living framework adopted by Middles brough Council and partners is built around
ten principles of sustainability that relate to environmental, economic and
social aims. It attempts to make gradual changes to how Middlesbrough can
become more sustainable.
Mayor of Middlesbrough explains that “Sustainable living is vital for the
future of our town and improving the quality of life of our residents. We will
continue to implement One Planet Living in Middlesbrough, working towards the
sustainable use of our resources, addressing the causes and effects of climate
change and improving well-being in our communities.”
Action Plan is a policy used in Middlesbrough to address sustainability and
climate change. The author of the One Planet Framework, international
organisation Bioregional, claim that it “provides us with a clear and practical
framework to examine the town’s sustainability challenges and deliver
appropriate solutions; ultimately improving the quality of lives of local
residents.” They develop this further, explaining:
Planet Living is based on the fact that if everyone lived like the average
Middlesbrough or UK resident currently does, we would need three planets to
sustain our lifestyles. To deliver sustainable environmental, economic and
social improvements to the town, Middlesbrough is using the ten principles of
One Planet Living. This broad framework enables individuals, communities and
organisations to live greener, healthier and more affordable lifestyles, within
their fair share of the Earth’s resources.”
You have been asked by Middlesbrough Council to critically review and update this Action Plan and to present your findings in a group technical presentation. To frame your presentation you must choose five of the ‘ten principles of sustainability’ in the Action Plan and, using a combination of national and international case studies, other policy examples, and academic research, advise how the selected ‘principles’ could be improved.
The One Planet Middlesbrough
Action Plan can be found here
Middlesbrough Council’s
Environment and Public Protection web page can be found here
presentations of 30 minute length to be made during week 13 of the term (after
the Christmas break). This will be followed by questions from the panel.
To manage the
preparation of this presentation you should hold at least two formal group
project meetings. Each meeting should have a Chair and a Secretary – these
positions should be held by different people in each meeting. The meetings
should have an agenda, produced by the Chair before the meeting, and minutes,
produced by the Secretary after the meeting. The minutes should clearly
identify actions that have been decided and who is responsible for these
actions. These meeting documents should be uploaded to Blackboard.
Please submit
all relevant documents electronically on Blackboard before you give your group
presentation. This should include, presentation, notes, evidence of group
discussion, minutes, research materials etc.