ENG 315 Week 4 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

ENG 315 Week 4 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

When you're planning a negative message, ________ in order to minimize the damage to business relationships and encourage acceptance of your message.

a) analyze the situation carefully 

b) be direct at all times

c) emphasize your needs and concerns

d) quote the policies and regulations of your company


Question 2

You can use an agreement strategy to write an effective buffer statement if you

a) find an attribute or achievement to compliment. 

b) express sincere thanks for receiving something. 

c) demonstrate that you understand the reader's goals and needs.

d) discover a point on which you and the reader share similar views.

Question 3

Using mobile phones during meetings is

a) routine in today's high-tech workplace.

b) now restricted or prohibited in many organizations. 

c) an effective way to show your professionalism.

d) all of the above.

Question 4

Consider the following statements. Which one of them is phrased in a negative way?

@"Your payment is late" does not consider the situation from the recipient's point of view. Instead, it focuses on his/her failure, which is likely to alienate the recipient.  See Chapter 11.

a) Please clarify your request. 

b) Your copier will be repaired next week.

c) Your payment is late.

d) Thank you for sharing your concerns about your shopping experience.


Question 5

When receiving business-related phone calls,

a) you should use frequent verbal responses (such as, "I see") to show that you are listening.

b) it is impolite to say things such as, "I understand" while the other person is speaking.

c) it is perfectly acceptable to put the caller on hold without explanation. 

d) do none of the above.


Question 6

When making a routine request, you should

a) use the inductive plan. 

b) assume that the audience is willing to comply.

c) demand immediate action.

d) explain the consequences of failing to comply.


Question 7

Most interviewers will make allowances for applicants to be a few minutes late for their appointment.

a) True

b) False


Question 8

In closing a request for a recommendation, you should include

a) an expression of appreciation. 

b) an indication that you've enclosed a stamped, preaddressed envelope.

c) the full name and address of the person to whom the letter should be sent.

d) all of the above.

Question 9

Which of the following is not an important consideration related to etiquette in the workplace?

a) The clothing you wear to work

b) Your grooming habits

c) Your telephone skills.

d) Your height and weight

Question 10

When you're writing a routine reply to a positive message, your readers will generally be ________ what you have to say, so. you can use the ________ in your reply.

a) interested in; direct approach

b) resistant to; indirect approach 

c) disinterested in; direct approach

d) in tune with; indirect approach


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