COMM 345 Week 3 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

COMM 345 Week 3 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University 

Question 1

One tip about advertising is to be conversational, even if that means being…

Question 2

What is the first thing you must complete before you begin to consider the more creative aspects of an ad?

Question 3

One method of advertising is a media in which you control exactly what your message is, how often you send it and the medium or media you use. What is this called?

Question 4

What is the name of your target audience’s impression of whatever it is you’re advertising?

Question 5

Radio is an aural medium, using hearing. It is also a linear medium in that its messages are fleeting. So it is limited to sound and will soon be forgotten. But the strength of radio is what?

Question 6

In a standard 30-second television commercial, shots are generally how long?

Question 7

How many target audiences should your ad be directed to?

Question 7

How many target audiences should your ad be directed to?

Question 9

Effective advertising uses good design and formatting of an ad because 70 percent of the viewers see what first in an ad?

Question 10

What is WIIFM?

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