PSY 496 Week 3 Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University

PSY 496 Week 3  Quiz | Assignment Help | Ashford University


Question 1

Research on extrasensory perception (ESP) has been controversial to say the least. Dr. Psychic posits that ESP is a type of intellectual skill that must be nurtured and developed like mathematical or linguistic abilities. Furthermore, he believes that hypnosis may be helpful in fostering ESP development. One standard ESP task involves the use of special cards that have only five denominations.


The experiment that Dr. Psychic used was to take a deck of 200 cards and have a “sender” shuffle them. The sender looks at the first card, thinks of the image on the card, and then the subject guessed what the card is. This process is repeated throughout the entire deck. ESP is measured by the number of correct guesses on the part of the subject (the receiver).


Dr. Psychic used this task with 100 military volunteers. Two conditions were used. In the first condition, 50 randomly assigned volunteers (25 males and 25 females) were hypnotized and given the task above. In the second condition, and additional 50 randomly assigned volunteers (25 males and 25 females) completed the task without being hypnotized. The average number of correct predictions was computed for the two groups. These averages turned out not to be statistically significantly different from each other and it was concluded that hypnosis does not affect ESP.



What is the level of measurement for the independent variable?

o   Ordinal

o   Nominal

o   Interval

o   Ratio



Question 2


Dr. Lyras is studying the perceptions of college seniors enrolled in capstone courses throughout Greece. Because she cannot obtain a list of all students at all colleges in senior capstone courses, she does the following: She lists all colleges in Greece and randomly selects a subset of those colleges. From that smaller list, she develops a list of capstone courses and obtains list of students in those courses. Dr. Lyras is using a technique called _______________.


o   Within-subjects design

o   Cluster sampling

o   No probability sampling

o   Quota sampling



Question 3

Research on extrasensory perception (ESP) has been controversial to say the least. Dr. Psychic posits that ESP is a type of intellectual skill that must be nurtured and developed like mathematical or linguistic abilities. Furthermore, he believes that hypnosis may be helpful in fostering ESP development. One standard ESP task involves the use of special cards that have only five denominations.


The experiment that Dr. Psychic used was to take a deck of 200 cards and have a “sender” shuffle them. The sender looks at the first card, thinks of the image on the card, and then the subject guessed what the card is. This process is repeated throughout the entire deck. ESP is measured by the number of correct guesses on the part of the subject (the receiver).


Dr. Psychic used this task with 100 military volunteers. Two conditions were used. In the first condition, 50 randomly assigned volunteers (25 males and 25 females) were hypnotized and given the task above. In the second condition, and additional 50 randomly assigned volunteers (25 males and 25 females) completed the task without being hypnotized. The average number of correct predictions was computed for the two groups. These averages turned out not to be statistically significantly different from each other and it was concluded that hypnosis does not affect ESP.



Indicate whether the independent and dependent variables are quantitative or qualitative.



o   Independent variable: quantitative; dependent variable: qualitative

o   Independent variable: quantitative; dependent variable: quantitative

o   Independent variable: qualitative; dependent variable: quantitative

o   Independent variable: qualitative; dependent variable: qualitative



Question 4

To prevent ethical violations and abuse in psychological research, the American Psychological Association (APA) recommends ____________.


o   All psychological harm to subjects must be corrected

o   Psychologists must avoid deception with using human subjects

o   Psychologists treat all subjects with respect and concern for the subject's dignity   All data collected from a person must be made public



Question 5

Dr. Matthews is interested in investigating gender bias among mothers. One hundred mothers were asked to rate an article in terms of its persuasiveness. The article was on the topic of education. The subjects were assigned to one of two groups. One group of 50 mothers read the article and were told that it was authored by a woman named Stephanie James. The other group of 50 mothers read the same article but were told it was authored by a man named James Stevens. After reading the article, each subject rated the article on a 7-point scale as follows.

Not at all persuasive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 very persuasive




The average rating scores were compared for the two groups; that is, the group with a female author versus the group with a male author. Results indicated that the average rating was much higher when the article was attributed to a male author than to a female author.


What is the level of measurement for the independent variable?


o   Ordinal

o   Nominal

o   Interval

o   Ratio



Question 6

In order to obtain permission to conduct your study that involves deception, you must present a detailed proposal to a committee at your institution to determine the extent to which your study is ethical and to determine what precautions you are taking to protect your subjects and the public. The board reviewing your study would most likely be a(n)______________.


o   Institutional review board (IRB)

o   Grant application committee

o   Judicial council

o   Licensure council




Question 7


In an experiment, participants in Group 1 are required to remember lists of 9 random letter-number combinations read aloud, in correct order. Participants in Group 2 are required to remember the same lists, in the correct order, but they also work simultaneously on a task requiring spatial skills. The researchers find that the subjects in the two groups recall the same average number of items. The results are not statistically significant. Which of the following explanations would be most consistent with findings?



o   Auditory interference is decreased when a spatial task is combined with a visual memory task.

o   Retroactive interference operates in working memory for verbal material but not for spatial material.

o   The principle of encoding specificity does not apply when remembering a list of letter-number combinations.

o   The capacities of the two different components of working memory are independent of each other.



Question 8

Dr. Chan developed a medication that she hypothesizes will reduce the obsessive thinking in individuals with paraphilias. A colleague suggests they also examine the effect of the medication on sexual arousal. She needs to demonstrate the efficacy of this medication. She obtains permission to recruit subjects from databanks of known sex offenders. Thirty-five people agree who met diagnostic criteria for a paraphila agreed to participate and she gives them a six-month supply of the medication and instructs them to take one pill each morning. After six-months, the subjects return to the clinic. Only thirty return and she cannot locate the other two. She finds twenty other subjects through counselor referrals. They serve as the control group and do not receive the medication. Dr. Chan tests both groups of participants on physiological measures of sexual arousal in the presences of paraphilic stimuli. She also has participants record their thoughts into a digital recorder and journal throughout the day when having thoughts of a sexual nature involving paraphilic stimuli. She finds that the subjects who took the medication showed less sexual arousal in response to the stimuli than the control group. The researcher and her colleagues conclude that the medication is effective for the obsessive thinking and arousal in individuals with paraphilias.


The researchers decide to conduct another version of the study using a better design. Based on psychiatrist referrals, Dr. Chan and her colleagues recruit a group of 50 clients diagnosed with paraphilas. The psychiatrists have prescribed the experimental medication for 15 of these patients but not for the remaining 25 patients. Dr. Chan gives all the patients a pretest on several measures of obsessive thinking and sexual arousal. After the medication group has taken the medication for 6 months (in the form of a shot they must come into the clinic to receive), she gives everyone a post-test measuring obsessive thinking and sexual arousal. She finds that the obsessive thinking of those in the medication group has decreased and their sexual arousal in response to paraphilic stimuli has diminished. This type of design is called ______________.


o   a quasi-experimental design

o   a correlations design You Answered

o   a ex post facto study

o   a within-subjects design



Question 9

Dr. Martin is studying the relationship between anxiety and recovery and survival rates of cancer patients. He uses scores on the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) as his measure of anxiety. He finds that individuals who score highest on the BAI are less likely to recover from cancer and have the lowest survival rates. In this case BAI scores are used as a(n) ______________________________ anxiety.


o   Treatment effect for

o   Control variable for

o   Bias reducer in

o   Operational definition of

 Question 10

Cross-sectional research designs can be used to study how behavior changes as a function of age. A disadvantage of cross-sectional studies is that the results can be influenced by _______________.


o   Participant withdrawal

o   Socioeconomic status

o   large sample sizes

o   cohort differences



Question 11

Dr. Matthews is interested in investigating gender bias among mothers. One hundred mothers were asked to rate an article in terms of its persuasiveness. The article was on the topic of education. The subjects were assigned to one of two groups. One group of 50 mothers read the article and were told that it was authored by a woman named Stephanie James. The other group of 50 mothers read the same article but were told it was authored by a man named James Stevens. After reading the article, each subject rated the article on a 7-point scale as follows.



The average rating scores were compared for the two groups; that is, the group with a female author versus the group with a male author. Results indicated that the average rating was much higher when the article was attributed to a male author than to a female author.


Which of the following represents the independent variable and the dependent variable?





o   Independent variable: gender of the subjects; dependent variable: content of the article

o   Independent variable: persuasiveness rating; dependent variable: gender of the author

o   Independent variable: gender of the author; dependent variable: persuasiveness rating

o   Independent variable: gender of the author; dependent variable: gender of the subjects


Question 12

Dr. Garcia is studying the effectiveness of different advertising strategies on consumer behavior. She sets up different displays for the same product and varies salient features of the displays (e.g., colors, graphic images, attractiveness of sales personnel and types of music. She sets up the displays in a variety of grocery and department stores throughout the city. To employ a naturalistic observation method, Dr. Garcia would ____________.


o   Observe behavior of consumers as it happens in the stores

o   Carefully design controlled situations in which to observe behavior

o   Conduct telephone surveys of shoppers

o   Rely on self-observations of subjects’ responses to questionnaires


Question 13

Professor Cui works to recruit an equal number of participants from each of several geographic regions to test for regional differences in language skills. Which of the following sampling procedures would be best to use if results are to be generalizable?


o   Simple random sampling

o   Stratified sampling

o   Nonrandom sampling

o   Convenience sampling with quotas


Question 14

Dr. Chan developed a medication that she hypothesizes will reduce the obsessive thinking in individuals with paraphilias. A colleague suggests they also examine the effect of the medication on sexual arousal. She needs to demonstrate the efficacy of this medication. She obtains permission to recruit subjects from databanks of known sex offenders. Thirty-five people agree who met diagnostic criteria for a paraphila agreed to participate and she gives them a six-month supply of the medication and instructs them to take one pill each morning. After six-months, the subjects return to the clinic. Only thirty return and she cannot locate the other two. She finds twenty other subjects through counselor referrals. They serve as the control group and do not receive the medication. Dr. Chan tests both groups of participants on physiological measures of sexual arousal in the presences of paraphilic stimuli. She also has participants record their thoughts into a digital recorder and journal throughout the day when having thoughts of a sexual nature involving paraphilic stimuli. She finds that the subjects who took the medication showed less sexual arousal in response to the stimuli than the control group. The researcher and her colleagues conclude that the medication is effective for the obsessive thinking and arousal in individuals with paraphilias.


Dr. Chan and her colleagues, encouraged by the original findings, decided to conduct the experiment using a double-blind procedure. Which of the following would be consistent with using a double-blind procedure?


o   Avoid telling the participants that the medication is supposed to stop obsessive thinking.

o   Add a control group of individuals who do not have paraphilias and give them the medication.


o   Add a group of individuals who meet diagnostic criteria for paraphilias who are given a placebo and ensure that neither the participants nor those administering the post-tests and evaluating the audio and written journals know who is in the medication group and who is in the control group.

o   Use the same design as in the original study but tell the subjects that the medication nis supposed to help a symptom other than obsessive thinking, such as mood.



Question 15

The results of carefully controlled observations of Clever Hans and his ability to solve math problems showed that ___________.


o   he was adept at discerning the subtle, nonverbal cues made by the crowd and the questioner.

o   he was excellent in math

o   he could add, but he could not multiply

o   he could not do math





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