ex:1 I like how you included the fact that gender socialization is much more prominent than we all think it is. Including this in your introduction paragraph really drew me in and intrigued me to read more. It’s crazy how certain colors or logos can be associated with gender. Wearing a specific color shouldn’t define your gender, yet stores in America still stereotype these toys and clothes with either boys or girls. Your conclusion was also very powerful! You used such strong words like doomed and isolation to truly express your feelings on this topic. Using these words also shows how you feel about our future. You seem to be saying that if we continue down this route of gender socialization, people will not be able to become who they truly are. You even stated that it is impossible to escape this phenomenon. I totally agree with this idea, except that I do believe we, the people in America, are taking it into our own hands. More and more parents are buying toys based off what their kid wants, not what gender they are. But if big brands were to realize this, kids would feel less ashamed about choosing the other genders toy over their own. ex2: Reading your observations and writing mine still hasn't changed how surprised I am of how much color can dictate who wears, plays, and identifies with in our society. I also came to find that many of the boys toys like you said were blues, browns, greens, blacks, and overall darker solid colors. While on the other hand many of the girls toys and clothes were colored, pink, yellow, and brighter colors overall. I think you emphasis on the colors really makes something that doesn't seem like that big of a deal as something that dictates gender socialization. I completely agree with you that this is a phenomenon that can't be escaped. I mean no matter you would try as a parent I would think they would see their friends playing with the toys that match their given identity, making this a very hard problem to resolve. Also having those detailed notes really helps point out the big observation points you made in you essay.
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