Please choose a company from this list: Yahoo, LinkedIn, Dubsmash, Equifax, eBay, Adobe. Based upon the information you can find on the company and any past issues/breaches the company has gone throug

Formulate the paper as follows:
1.  Introduction – brief background of company and any issues the company has had in the past such as data breaches
2.  Strategies and Management – business activities, risk factor activities, reactive risk mitigation strategy, risk management, financial performance (more or less depending upon company)
3.  Risk Analysis – political analysis, environmental analysis (more or less depending upon company)
4.  Crisis Management Plan:
a.  Purpose
b.  Committee for crisis management planning
c.  Crisis types
d.  Structure of the Crisis Management Team
e.  Responsibility and control
f.  Implementation Plan
g.  Crisis Management Protocols
h.  Crisis Management Plan Priorities
5.  Conclusion
Paper requirements:
1.  Paper must have a total of 10 unique references.
2.  The paper must be in APA format.
3.  There is a MINIMUM of 15 pages, required, and does not include references or title page.
4.  Limit pictures, diagrams, charts, and graphics to no more than 2 pages in total. 
Presentation Slides:
Based upon the research and writing completed for the plan, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that will look at 4-5 Risk items the company needs to focus on. Minimum 10 slides
1.  How is your plan important for the company?
2.  What are some of the key points within the plan?
3.  How would you test your plan?
Slide 1 – Title Slide w/ all group members names
Slide 2 – Brief company information
Slide 3-7 – Company Risk Items – Key Points
Slide 8-9 – How would you test your plan
Slide 10 – Summary
Slide 11 - References
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