Areas of Expertise For each area of expertise chosen: Create an original artifact that provides evidence of your ability to apply your knowledge and skills. The artifacts must provide evidence of your ability to effectively use technology tools and use effective oral presentation skills. Provide a written rationale that explains the relevance of your artifact to a real-world issue or challenge in the early childhood field. Examples Here are a few examples of the kinds of artifacts that might effectively evidence your knowledge and skills. These examples should not be construed as recommendations or limitations. They are intended to provide you with a starting point for your own ideas. Early Childhood Development A series of 7–10 podcasts highlighting relevant child development topics for families in an early childhood care and education program Effective Programs & Practices A “Day in the Life” video, photo essay, or slide presentation of you, showcasing your effective classroom or administrative practices Foundations: Early Childhood Studies A workshop related to specific professional values that you design and implement to promote the professional development of early childhood professionals in an authentic setting Developing People and Leading Teams (Specialization) A 360° review of your leadership in your current professional role, including a written, audio, or video reflection of what you learned from the process Teaching and Learning in Preschool Settings (Specialization) A preschool curricular unit that integrates three or more content areas that includes use of technology and incorporates differentiated instruction to addresses the needs English language learners and children with exceptionalities A professional development workshop focusing on preschool teaching and learning that you design and implement to promote the professional growth of early childhood professionals in a preschool setting
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