Academic paper:

This is academic paper so you should right it as Excellent work. Use academic sources only,  3 minimum. Please follow the professor instructions step by step. 
Assignment Instructions:

Content Instructions:" The topic" 
1- Compare and contrast the current U.S health care system to another country’s health care model (i.e., France, Denmark, Canada, England, Japan, Russia, China, etc.) citing the most striking similarities and/or differences, and reporting popular arguments in support of these differences.
2- Use statistics, census data, historical information, etc… to strengthen your case.
3-Approximate length: 7 pages.
4- Refer to the grading rubric below for specifics on grading criteria. ( I Attached it) ) 

Formatting and Submission Instructions:

* Compose your paper using Microsoft Word or a compatible word processing application, making use of spell check and grammar check.
* Use 11-point, Times New Roman or Calibri font style.
* Double-space the paper with 1-inch margins.
* Compose about 7 pages for this assignment.
* Number the pages (center bottom). Include a cover sheet with a Running Head that will include the title of your paper, your full name, course name and number (EXSC 440W), date, and USCA Honor Pledge* (see below).
* Format and citations must use APA 6th edition criteria.
* Consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC.
* Save this assignment as “yourname_paper3.doc.” 
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