script/ proposal paper

 Proposal/ Script  (2-3 pages) : Prior to writing your Final Life Review Paper, you will need to complete and submit (via Dropbox) the “Proposal / Script”. This submission will be graded, and feedback will be provided shortly after submission. Only after this submission is graded and you receive feedback, should you start working on your interview/ paper. Proposal (1 page): First you are required to submit a proposal of how you will complete this assignment. Compose 1 page on what you know about this person and what you hope to know or understand about this person. In addition, the Proposal should answer the following questions: 
*  Who are you interviewing? (relation to you, age, gender and any other demographic information you would like to include). 
* Where will this interview take place? (Describe the setting, date and time if you have that information) 
* Why did you choose this person?  
* What have you always wondered about this person?  
* What is your comfort level with this assignment? 
* What are your concerns and what are you looking forward to in completing this assignment? 
* Which theory of aging do you foresee your interviewee experiencing and why? (acquaint yourself with the theories prior to the actual interview so you are prepared to assimilate the theory with the older adult. The theories are listed below.) 
 The Script: After your proposal, you will need to come up with a series of questions (script) that you will want to ask the older adult you are interviewing. These questions should cover the history of the person’s life and capture the essence of who they are. These questions should also help you assess the older adult using a theory model (possible theories below). While developing the questions, please have in mind the theoretical approach you will use to assess the older adult. There is not a specific number of questions you should come up with, however, a good set of questions for a paper of this caliber will round to an average about 15 questions. The questions should be derived from our course concepts such as chronic disease, biology of aging, love and intimacy, social interactions, living arrangements, economic security, productive aging, retirement, death and dying, etc. Please stay respectful of any topic your interviewee does not want to discuss. In writing this paper, think of yourself as a qualitative researcher. Meaning, in this process you have the chance to design your research study, conduct your own case study, and later discuss its results. Your Proposal / Script is the first step to designing your case research study! 
this is for the final paper. It consist of two part. for now I need the first part only and then I will have you do the second part after I get the feedback from the professor.please read the guide paper and do only script/proposal. the first part is Proposal / Script
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