CIS 115 Week 1 Lab Assignment Help | Devry University

CIS 115 Week 1 Lab Assignment Help | Devry University 

Week 1 Lab


You will be completing a series of labs for this course. For this week, you will be submitting the Week 1 Lab.

You can download the series of Word files containing all of the labs below. You can also find the same bundle located in the Files section of the course.

 CIS115 Lab

You will be completing a series of labs for this course. For this week, you will be submitting the Week 1 Lab.

You can download the series of Word files containing all of the labs below. You can also find the same bundle located in the Files section of the course.

CIS115 Lab 

CIS115 Week 1 Lab Overview


Title of Lab: Building a Registration Form and Pay Calculator in Python


Summary – Part 1

Create a program that allows a student to complete a registration form and displays a completion message that includes the user's full name and a temporary password.

Summary – Part 2

Create a program that calculates a user's weekly gross and take-home pay.


·         2 source code Python files.

·         A Word document containing both source code and the screen print of the program outputs.

Lab Steps

Part 1 – Registration Form

Sample Output:

Registration Form


First Name: Eric


Last Name: Idle


Birth Year: 1934


Welcome Eric Idle!


Your Registration is complete.


Your temporary password is: Eric*1934



·         The user’s full name consists of the user’s first name, a space, and the user’s last name.

·         The temporary password consists of the user’s first name, an asterisk (*), and the user’s birth year.

·         Assume the user will enter valid data.







password=first_name + ”*” + str(birth_year)



Part 2 – Pay Calculator

Sample Output:

Pay Check Calculator


Hours Worked: 35


Hourly Pay Rate: 14.50


Gross Pay: 507.5


Tax Rate: 18


Tax Amount: 91.35


Take Home Pay: 416.15


·         The formula for calculating gross pay is:

o   gross pay = hours worked * hourly rate

·         The formula for calculating tax amount is:

o   tax amount = gross pay * (tax rate / 100)

·         The formula for calculating take home pay is:

o   take home pay = gross pay - tax amount

·         The tax rate should be 18%, but the program should store the tax rate in a variable so that you can easily change the tax rate later, just by changing the value that's stored in the variable.

·         The program should accept decimal entries like 35.5 and 14.25.

·         Assume the user will enter valid data.

·         The program should round the results to a maximum of two decimal places.












gross_pay = round(hours * pay_rate, 2)

tax_rate = 18

tax_amount = round(gross_pay * (tax_rate / 100), 2)

take_home_pay = round(gross_pay - tax_amount, 2)






LAB Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFunctional

Overall design concept and the implementation details show that the student understood the problem and derived a correctly functioning solution to it. The program runs correctly, producing correct results, as defined by the specifics of the development plan for that task

10.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConcept

The programming design constructs (control structures, data structures, etc.) that are the focus of that weeks exercise are correctly and appropriately applied to the programming program

10.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunication

The pseudo code submissions are appropriate names for variables, modules, etc., that communicate a sense of their meaning and use in the program(s)

10.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDesign & Logic

Students write pseudocode with basic syntax - Use keywords such as: START DECLARE PROMPT INPUT DISPLAY CALCULATE SET IF/THEN/ELSE DO/WHILE FOR WHILE SWITCH STOP

10.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePseudo Code Submitted

Student submitted complete pseudo code

10.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

10.0 pts



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