HCS 245 ENTIRE COURSE | Ashford University

HCS 245 ENTIRE COURSE | Ashford University 





HCS 245  Week 1 Individual Assignment Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet


Complete the Body Systems and Diseases worksheet.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

SupportingMaterial:Body Systems and Diseases Worksheet




HCS 245 Week 2 Individual Assignment Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Mental and Behavioral Health


Complete the Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Mental

and Behavioral Health worksheet.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

SupportingMaterial:Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry:

Mental and Behavioral Health Worksheet










HCS 245 Week 3 Individual Assignment Mental/Behavioral Case Studies


Select one of the provided case studies at the end of Ch. 15 or Ch. 21

in Human Diseases (4th ed.).

Imagine the subject of the selected case study is a client of yours.

Draft a short, one-page (350 to 700 words) memo describing the

situation and requesting specific services for your afflicted client.

Include the following in your memo:

  • Describe the disease of focus and its progression of mental illness.

Based on the disease and stage it presents, what level (primary,

secondary, or tertiary) of care does the patient require?

  • Where can more information regarding the identified disease be


  • What cultural issues can be identified as pertaining to this disease

that might affect the individual and family in this case? How does this

influence society and resources as a whole?

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. 




HCS 245 Week 3 Individual Assignment  Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Cardiovascular Health



Complete the Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry:

Cardiovascular Health worksheet.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

SupportingMaterial:Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry:

Cardiovascular Health Worksheet





HCS 245 Week 4 Individual Assignment Community Health Promotion Tool



Resources: Internet, University Library, and Human Diseases (4th ed.)

Imagine you are creating a community health promotion resource that

addresses a cardiovascular subject of your choosing. You are creating

this tool for a segmented population of health care consumers.

Create an informational tool (350 to 700 words) in the form of one of the


  • Podcast
  • Summary
  • News transcript
  • Brochure/pamphlet
  • Video
  • Interview
  • Other option approved by your instructor

Include the following in your resource:

  • Identify the disease or subject of focus.
  • Identify the population.
  • Focus your information on the specific cultural beliefs of the

population that you have chosen and how treatment and management

of the disease might be affected by these aspects.

  • Explain how this disease and the management of it affect resources

in society.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.





HCS 245 Week 4 Individual Assignment  Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Endocrine Health



Complete the Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry:

Endocrine Health worksheet.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment






HCS 245 Week 5 Individual Assignment  Diabetes Presentation



Imagine you are a community health educator and you have been

tasked with developing a presentation to be given in a setting to

educate an audience on one type of diabetes.

Identify your audience. Examples include the following:

  • Senior center
  • Middle school
  • A workplace

Create a resource (350 to 700 words) as a way to share this

information. Examples include the following:

  • A social media page
  • An information pamphlet
  • A presentation

Consider the best method so it is crafted in an appropriate and

understandable way for your identified audience.

Choose from the two following options:

Option A: Type 1 Diabetes

  • How society views Type 1 diabetes (what society thinks it is versus

what it actually is, common beliefs and practices)

  • Signs and symptoms
  • Compliance with treatment regimens
  • Making the right decisions to live a healthy life
  • Impact on health care resources

Option B: Type 2 Diabetes

  • How society views Type 2 diabetes (what society thinks it is versus

what it actually is, common beliefs and practices)

  • Preventive measures
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Making the right decisions to live a healthy life
  • Compliance with treatment regimens
  • Impact on health care resources


HCS 245 Week 5 Individual Assignment  Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Respiratory Health 



Complete the Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry:

Respiratory Health worksheet.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

SupportingMaterial:Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry:

Respiratory Health Worksheet



HCS 245 Week 5 Individual Assignment  Respiratory Disease Paper



Choose a respiratory disease that has a significant impact on society

and the health care industry. Some examples are tuberculosis,

bronchitis, asthma, influenza, or a respiratory illness that is currently


Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that discusses the following:

  • State this disease's type (primary, secondary, tertiary) and what

makes it classified as such.

  • Discuss the impact this disease has on society as it relates to the

business of health care and the use of resources.

Include at least two references.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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