BSA 530 ENTIRE COURSE | University Of Phoenix

BSA 530 ENTIRE COURSE | University Of Phoenix 

BSA 530 Week 1 Individual Assignment Oracle® Enterprise Application Evaluation
The leadership of GTI has chosen Oracle® for their Enterprise Application System, but some members of the leadership team are skeptical of this solution. They have asked you to provide them with a report describing the advantages and disadvantages of Oracle® Enterprise Application (OEA).

Submit a 2- to 3-page evaluation of Oracle® Enterprise Application, including:   

•  A description at least two advantages of using OEA   

•  A description at least two disadvantages of OEA   

•  A brief comparison of OEA with other traditional options Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab. 
 WEEK 2 

BSA 530 Week 2 Learning Team IT Business Solution
As a team, select a mid-sized company of your choice that needs an IT business solution. Choose carefully because your team will use this company and its needs for the remaining team assignments.

Create 3 to 4 PowerPoint® slides that define the business, the need, and the solution including:   

•  A description of the business  

  •  A description of some of the key business needs in terms of reliability, availability, scalability, and performance (RASP) examples are payroll, accounts receivable, and customer data   

•  A description of the IT business solution for one of the needs S

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab. Supporting Material:Learning Team Instructions: IT Business Solution Proposal 
BSA 530 Week 2 Individual Assignment Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Plan
GTI is pleased with the results of your research in Week One and has firmly decided to move forward with Oracle® Enterprise Application. GTI would also like to learn more about hardware options.

Write a 2- to 3-page architecture plan to use Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), to achieve reliability, availability, scalability, and performance (RASP), as compared to more traditional architecture at GTI.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab. Supporting Material:Individual Project Instructions: GTI Enterprise Application Solution


BSA 530 Week 3 Learning Team Software Engineering Environment

Create 2 to 4 PowerPoint® slides describing the software engineering environment your team recommends for the business solution defined in the previous week. A typical software engineering environment contains a central database and a set of software tools such as security monitoring or a software performance optimizer. Include descriptions of the following:   

•  The database, including the type and the size   

•  Software tools, including what is needed to fulfill the proposed IT business solution

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab. SupportingMaterial:Learning Team Instructions: IT Business Solution Proposal
BSA 530 Week 3 Individual Assignment Service-Oriented Integration Solution
Due to mergers and acquisitions, GTI finds themselves saddled with different enterprise applications that need to be integrated. They have asked you to recommend an integration solution. Create a high-level Visio® diagram of the integrated system.

Save the finished Visio® diagram as an image file (.jpg, .gif, .png, .eps, .psd, .qti, .tiff) or PDF file and submit separately.

Write a 1- to 2-page narrative describing the use of a middleware service-oriented integration architecture plan that clearly explains the diagram.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab. Supporting Material:Individual Project Instructions: GTI Enterprise Application Solution Toolwire® Personal Student Desktop Access



BSA 530 Week 4 Individual Assignment Security Architecture

Create 2 to 4 PowerPoint® slides that describe the security architecture recommendation for your IT business solution and how it protects that solution. Include information about authentication, encryption, authorization, and single sign-on.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

Supporting Material:Learning Team Instructions: IT Business Solution Proposal 

BSA 530 Week 4 Individual Assignment Enterprise Security Solution
Security is a major concern for the leadership of GTI since the system will be cloud based and accessible throughout the world. GTI has asked you to submit a recommendation of required security features to include in the OEA.

Write a 1- to 2-page Enterprise Security solution for GTI, including any unique considerations and requirements for a cloud-based system.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

Supporting Material:Individual Project Instructions: GTI Enterprise Application Solution



BSA 530 Week 5 Learning Team  Aging User Interface Approach
Your team's proposal must include the recommended design process to develop the user interface for your IT business solution.

Create a Visio® diagram detailing the user interface design process in a flow sequence diagram or flow chart that illustrates the entire end to end flow of the user interface. Save the finished Visio® diagram as an image file that you can insert into your PowerPoint® presentation.

Create 2 to 4 PowerPoint® slides describing and illustrating the recommended design process for the development of the user environment. Incorporate the Visio® diagram(s) into the slides.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

Supporting Material:Learning Team Instructions: IT Business Solution Proposal 

BSA 530 Week 5 Individual Assignment OEA User Interface
GTI has asked you to advise them about possible restrictions or limitations they may face when developing the user interface for the OEA.

Write a 1-to 2-page paper discussing the challenges associated with creating a user interface for the OEA and possible mitigation strategies.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab. Supporting Material:Individual Project Instructions: GTI Enterprise Application Solution



BSA 530 Week 6 Learning Team Logical View and Deployment View


Create the following Microsoft® Visio® diagrams:   

•  The logical view of the IT business solution   

•  The deployment view of the IT business solution Save the finished Visio® diagrams as image files that you can insert into your PowerPoint® presentation.

Incorporate the diagrams into two new PowerPoint® slides for your team presentation.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

Supporting Material:Learning Team Instructions: IT Business Solution ProposalToolwire® Personal Student Desktop Access


BSA 530 Week 6 Learning Team  Final IT Business Solution Presentation


Add the following new slides to the final team presentation:   

•  A title slide   

•  A conclusion slide   

•  A references slide Consolidate the PowerPoint® slides from previous weeks' team assignments with this week's team assignment to create a final 14- to 21-slide presentation for the technology leadership of the chosen organization, including detailed speaker notes.

The slides must follow the same order as the Weeks One through Six team assignments, and must convince the technology leadership team that your team should be contracted to implement the solution.

Do not include budgeting or timelines, which are beyond the scope of this project.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

SupportingMaterial:Learning Team Instructions: IT Business Solution Proposal




BSA 530 Week 6 Individual Assignment Monitoring and Diagnostics Tool


GTI is very pleased with the solutions you have provided thus far. The Technology Leadership Team is very anxious to implement your solution, but before they sign on with you, they want you to recommend a monitoring and diagnostics tool.

Write a 1-page recommendation that provides a clear rationale for recommending at least one monitoring and one diagnostics tool to be incorporated into the OEA.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab. Supporting Material:Individual Project Instructions: GTI Enterprise Application Solution

BSA 530 Week 6 Individual Assignment GTI Enterprise Application Solution


Your individual assignments throughout the course have been based on the following scenario presented in the Week One Individual Assignment Instructions. GTI is a company founded in Atlanta, GA in 1996. GTI started with just five employees, but has since grown to over five hundred employees located in ten states and five countries (Nicaragua, Spain, Angola and Singapore). GTI specializes in oil trading and has been very successful at negotiating oil futures to the governments of these countries. Due to the relatively rapid growth, the Technology leadership of GTI wants to consolidate all standalone systems in all of their offices into one Enterprise system so that the same employee's Human Resources data is shared by all offices. The management of GTI have chosen to use Oracle® database for their needs. They have hired you as an Oracle® Enterprise Application Consultant to provide information and make recommendations based on their needs. This week's assignment reflects an accumulation of the individual assignments from Weeks One through Six, including:   

•  A report describing the advantages and disadvantages of Oracle® Enterprise Application (OEA).  

  •  An architecture plan on the use of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)  

  •  A description of the use of a middleware service-oriented integration architecture plan.   

•  An Enterprise Security solution for a cloud-based system   

•  A description Challenges associated with creating a user interface for the OEA.  

  •  Monitoring and diagnostic tools recommendation

Write a 1/2- to 1-page introduction and a 1/2- to 1-page conclusion for the GTI Enterprise Application Solution. Add the introduction and conclusion to the consolidated project. Review and consolidate the individual assignments from Weeks One through Six into a 9- to 15-page document, plus the integration diagram, for presentation to the leadership of GTI. Incorporate your instructor's feedback and comments in your final document.

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