BSHS 406 ENTIRE COURSE(2018) | University Of Phoenix

BSHS 406 ENTIRE COURSE(2018) | University Of Phoenix 


BSHS 406    Week 1 Individual Assignment Family Analysis Paper, Part 1

The final assignment for this course is broken down into 5 separate

parts, with each part due each week. In Week 5, you will submit 1

cohesive. 3,500- to 4,200-word family analysis paper that combines the

family analysis papers from Weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4, and includes the

conclusion and genogram analysis from Week 5, along with a

genogram graphic.

Write a 350- to 700-word introduction and initial analysis of your family

in which you list different types of families represented in your family

and describe the evolution of your family composition.

Include the following in your introduction and family analysis:

  • The history of your family
  • Different types of families and the composition of your family
  • How your family has evolved over the past 2 generations
  • A brief analysis of the changing functions within your family (for

example, dual income, single parents, etc.)

Submit this paper to the Assignment Files tab for grading and faculty

feedback in Week 1.


BSHS 406   Week 2 Individual Assignment Family Analysis Paper, Part 2


Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of your family in which you analyze

gender roles within your family dynamics, describe how

socioeconomics affects your family, and identify the familial

characteristics related to race-ethnicity and cultural history of your


Address the following in your paper:

  • How socioeconomics impacts/has impacted access to opportunities

for your family

  • Race/ethnicity of your family
  • Family cultural history (for example, religious beliefs, education,

family traditions, etc.)

  • What makes your family different from other families?
  • What is important to your family that constitutes your family culture?
  • How has discrimination been an issue in your family or impacted

your family dynamics?

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BSHS 406   Week 3 Individual Assignment  Family Analysis Paper, Part 3

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of your family in which you examine

issues related to sexuality and your family, describe the different

aspects that impact families and marriage, and analyze how work and

employment impacts your family.

Include the following in your paper, if applicable:

  • Daycare/childcare issues, shift work juggling childcare, etc.
  • Both parents working together with the same employer or owning

own business

  • Military/deployment
  • Sexual identity
  • Living together apart
  • Cohabitation
  • Marriage
  • Teen pregnancy/sexual orientation, etc.
  • How you perceive marriage

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BSHS 406   Week 4 Individual Assignment Family Analysis Paper, Part 4 


Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of your family in which you

summarize challenges associated with parenting and becoming a

family, describe the different roles of parents in your family, and explain

issues that impact intergenerational families.

Consider the following in your paper, if applicable to your family:

  • How parenting impacts happiness/satisfaction
  • How single parenting differs from a 2-parent household
  • Managing special caregiver situations (child/older adult)
  • Adoption, foster care situations, blended families
  • Caring for elderly relatives, moving back home as adults, multiple

generations under one roof

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BSHS 406   Week 5 Learning Team Assignment  Legislation Presentation



Research legislation that impacts modern families in your community.

The legislation is not limited to, but can be about, any topics discussed

in the course that impact families. Each Learning Team member should

select 1 law to research, so that multiple laws illustrated, and potentially

multiple communities represented in your presentation.

Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation,

illustrating how legislation impacts modern families.

Include the following details in your presentation for each law:

  • An introduction naming and describing the legislation
  • Explain how this law impacts families in your community.
  • Where is the legislation located? Is it state or federal legislation?
  • Is the legislation pending or passed?
  • How does this legislation affect human services and/or treatment


  • Conclusion

Include a minimum 3 sources in your presentation.

Format any citations within your presentation according to APA


Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your presentation.




BSHS 406   Week 5 Individual Assignment Genogram and Final Family Analysis


Integrate the feedback you have received from your faculty member on

your previous family analysis papers submitted in Weeks 1 through 4.

Combine your previous papers into a 3,500- to 4,200-word paper in

which you synthesize what you have learned into a conclusion.

Apply the concepts learned from your family history and genogram to a

human service and/or counseling scenario.

Discuss the following in your Final Family Analysis paper:

  • An analysis of any special issues associated with your family
  • In what kinds of applications would having the knowledge from the

genogram be useful?

  • How would this knowledge impact and direct treatment, as well as

help you assess client services?

A genogram can be a helpful visual tool to keep track of family

members, the quality of relationships in each family, and assist a

human service worker in determining the needs and services from

which the family may benefit.

Create a genogram for your family based on your analysis and using a

genogram template/program.

Use the preferred genogram template linked to this assignment or

another program to create your genogram.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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