BSHS 406 Week 5 Individual Assignment Genogram and Final Family Analysis | University Of Phoenix

BSHS 406 Week 5 Individual Assignment Genogram and Final Family Analysis | University Of Phoenix 


Integrate the feedback you have received from your faculty member on

your previous family analysis papers submitted in Weeks 1 through 4.

Combine your previous papers into a 3,500- to 4,200-word paper in

which you synthesize what you have learned into a conclusion.

Apply the concepts learned from your family history and genogram to a

human service and/or counseling scenario.

Discuss the following in your Final Family Analysis paper:

  • An analysis of any special issues associated with your family
  • In what kinds of applications would having the knowledge from the

genogram be useful?

  • How would this knowledge impact and direct treatment, as well as

help you assess client services?

A genogram can be a helpful visual tool to keep track of family

members, the quality of relationships in each family, and assist a

human service worker in determining the needs and services from

which the family may benefit.

Create a genogram for your family based on your analysis and using a

genogram template/program.

Use the preferred genogram template linked to this assignment or

another program to create your genogram.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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