POS 410 ENTIRE COURSE | University of Phoenix

POS 410 ENTIRE COURSE | University of Phoenix 

POS 410 Week 1 Discussions
Discussion 1
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following:

In the Campbell & Nori (2007) article, the authors discuss data trends in the marketplace and Microsoft's corresponding initiatives to keep their products up-to-date. Discuss one trend and an example of how Microsoft added functionality to the SQL server to keep products aligned with the trend.
Discussion 2
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: 

Based on the Nori (2007) article, discuss one technical requirement for database management systems and SQL in new data environments.
POS 410 Week 2 Individual Assignment Table Queries
Create an SQL server database for the Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization.
Create the following tables using fields listed below.
Note. Supply SQL server data types when creating tables. In the Employee table, create an Employee ID field that generates a unique number for each employee and designate the field as the Primary Key. In the Job_Title table, use a listed field as the table’s primary key or create an additional field to use as the primary key. The primary key from the Job Title table appears as the foreign key in the Employee table.
Employee ID
Last name
First name
Telephone area code
Telephone number
Employer Information Report (EEO-1) classification
Hire date
Foreign key from Job Title table.

EEO-1 classification
Job title
Job description
Exempt/non-exempt status
Use the SQL INSERT statement to go to the human resources department in the Kudler Fine Foods Virtual Organization. Using information found in the employee files for the La Jolla and Encinitas stores, enter records into the Employee table for the following employees:
Glenn Edelman
Eric McMullen
Raj Slentz
Erin Broun
Donald Carpenter
David Esquivez
Nancy Sharp
Use the information from the job classifications and descriptions to enter records into the Job Title table for the following titles:
Accounting clerk
Assistant manager
Computer support specialist
Director of finance and accounting
Retail assistant bakery and pastry
Retail assistant butchers and seafood specialists
Check results by selecting all columns from both tables. Non-exempt employees at Kudler Fine Foods are paid an hourly wage and must track their working hours.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
POS 410 Week 2 Learning Team 
Your Learning Team assignments will be based on Kudler Fine Foods Service Request SR-kf-009 - "SQL Accounting Database."
Go to 'Materials', then select the link  "Service Requests"
Under Virtual Organizations, select "IT Service Requests"
Go to the right side of the page to Kudler Fine Foods.
Select SR-kf-009 -- SQL Accounting Database
Based on this service request,
1.      Create a Learning Team charter.
a.     Make sure that you address a contingency plan if a team member(s) drops the course.
2.      Develop a detailed project plan where you will define the tasks, work assignments and timeline.
a.    This timeline does NOT have to be created in MS Project.
3.    On Kudler Fine Foods' intranet site analyze the current Chart of Accounts. This includes tasks such as identifying primary and foreign keys. Also, begin illustrating the data characteristics. How do you intend to structure your database?
All of these steps are to be submitted to the instructor for review.
POS 410 Week 2  Discussions 
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: 

Based on the Sellers (2009) article, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the SQL PIVOT statement.
Discussion 2
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: 

Weis & Johnston (2007) say the dimension of time is inadequately incorporated in database management systems and SQL. Discuss one supporting reason for this assertion and why the authors say it is important. Support your answer with an example from your current or previous workplace.
POS 410 Week 3 Individual Assignment  Data Changes and SQL Statements
Use the database and tables from last week's assignment to write SQL statements and enter records into the Employee table for workers identified in the employee files for the administrative offices and the Del Mar store. Check results by selecting all columns from both tables.
Use the database and tables from last week's assignment to write SQL queries using Between, Like, and Union. Write an SQL query that does the following:
Joins two tables in the database and uses BETWEEN to restrict record selection. Use salary to restrict data.
Joins two tables in the database and uses BETWEEN to restrict record selection. Use hire dates to restrict data.
Joins two tables in the database and uses IN to restrict record selection. Use specific city names to restrict data.
Write a SQL query that joins two tables in the database and uses LIKE to restrict record selection. (Use zip codes to restrict data.)
Using the HAVING command, how many positions have more than 3 employees? (e.g. Cashiers, 4).
Use the updated database to write the following queries, using the SQL GROUP statement:
Select employees' last names and group them by EEO-1 classification.
Select employees' last names and group them by salary.
Select employees' last names and group them by salary in job titles, grouped into exempt and non-exempt.
Human Resources has requested a listing of employees. They want the listing to show the first initial of the employee's last name. In addition, they want the report in the following sort order: exempt/non-exempt status, the first letter of their last name, last name, first name and salary. For example: Exempt, S, Smith, Bob, $50,000
POS 410 Week 3 Learning Team  
Continue working on the Service Request SR-kf-009, "SQL Accounting Database"
Define the SQL Database. Here illustrate the data types, primary keys, ect.
Place the data from the Chart of Accounts spreadsheet into the SQL database. (Due to the number of records you may use the Import feature or SQL script.)
Make sure to note the number of records that you loaded to your database.
Create values for the accounts and document your logic for creating these values.
Document any changes that you have made to your database.
POS 410 Week 3  Discussion   
Discussion 1
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: 

Based on Ben-Gan's (2009) article, what are some ways of improving the performance of SQL inserts?
Discussion 2
 Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: 

Based on Pathivada’s (2009) article, what is referential integrity and how can a programmer avoid these sorts of problems?
POS 410 Week 4 Individual Assignment  SQL Reports
Use the database and tables from last week's assignment to write SQL queries using the SQL SELECT statement.
Note. Select all data from both tables before you perform the following:
Increase all employees' salaries with the selected EEO-1 classification by 8 percent.  
Increase all remaining employees' salaries by 7 percent.
Choose an employee from the Employee table and delete that employee.
Using the LIKE command, list the employees whose last name begins with an "E", "M" or an "T". Then, sort these employees in ascending order.
Calculations. Use the appropriate commands.
 Calculate the average salary for all employees.
In one query, calculate the maximum salaries for exempt and non-exempt employees.
Calculate the number of exempt and non-exempt employees there are, by job code. The results should be sorted in descending order.
In one query, calculate the average, minimum and maximum salary for exempt employees. Using the UNION command also display the same information for the non-exempt employees.
Determine if there are any employee's whose salary is below the minimum salary for their job title
Using a CASE statement, illustrate:
Showing the Employee name and job title, list exempt employees as 'Salaried' and non-exempt employees as 'Hourly'.
POS 410 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment 
Continue work on the Learning Team Project.
Due to demand, executive management has decided to relocate the Del Mar store to Chula Vista. Show how you made the change and the modification
Use the proper SQL command in order to tell the number of unique accounts that you have in your database.
Finally, create one query that uses the commands OR, AND, IN, HAVING, CASE, and LIKE. Discuss the logic that explains what this query does and why you created it.
POS 410 Week 4  Discussion   
Discussion 1
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: 

Based on the Cerullo & Porta (2007) article, what is your opinion of visual approaches? Provide an explanation that supports your opinion.
Discussion 2
n the Zhang & Huang (2007) article, the authors propose introducing a CLUSTER BY clause into SQL. What functionality does their proposed clause provide? How might your current or previous workplace use it in a SQL query?
POS 410 Week 5 Final Learning Team Project
. Complete work on the Learning Team project. Since Harvey is not a technical manager, write a report that discusses the logic of the query that you created to fulfill his Service Request. Include in your synopsis the following items:
Include the final SQL database Chart of Accounts query, as requested by Harvey.
Submit query, screen shots and the Chart or Accounts report for grading.
Finally, create one query that uses the commands OR, AND, IN, Substring, CASE, LIKE and COMPUTE. Discuss the logic that explains what this query does and why you created it.
POS 410 Week 5  Discussion   
Discussion 1
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: 

Barnett (2008) discusses the security risk of using SQL in e-commerce applications. Describe how criminals can use SQL to steal or destroy customer data, and how organizations can prevent these problems from happening in the first place.
Discussion 2
Write a 200- to 300-word short-answer response to the following: 

Based on the Raab (2009) article, what are the issues with using SQL when accessing the new business intelligence analytical databases?

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