HRM 410 Week 3 Course Project 1 | Assignment Help | Devry University

HRM 410 Week 3 Course Project 1 | Assignment Help | Devry University 

Week 3 Course Project I


Project I

  1. Arranging a team meeting.
  2. Setting an agenda for the first team meeting and posting it to the team collaboration area.
  3. Holding the team meeting. All members must attend.
  4. Agreeing on a work schedule for the completion of the project. Provide a list of tasks and state who is to do each task and by when are they to do that. Describe specific deliverables for each member to be done each week.

Note that a good way to work may be to have people be responsible for rough drafts of portions of the manual that are covered early in the course while other people are responsible for reviewing and editing the earlier work. Then later in the course, those who were editing and reviewing in the first part of the course will be authoring, and those who were authoring will be reviewing.

The project I is due this week. See the Course Project Overview in Introduction and Resources for details.

Remember to submit your assignment.

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