Systems anlysis

Submit your project proposal to your instructor for approval.System Requirements, Design, and Implementation SpecificationUse WordTitle pageCourse number and nameProject nameYour nameDateTable of Contents (TOC)Use an autogenerated TOC.This should be on a separate page.This should be a maximum of 3 levels deep.Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so that it is up-to-date before submitting your project.Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with “TBD” as content, except for Week 1)Week 1: System or Application OverviewWeek 1: Requirements SpecificationWeek 2: System or Application DesignWeek 3: Test and Quality Assurance PlanWeek 4: Development StrategyWeek 5: Integration and Deployment PlanWeek 1: System or Application OverviewProvide a brief description of the system or application's capabilities.Who are the intended users and stakeholders?Who is the project initiator or sponsor?Be sure that this project is approved by the instructor before you proceed.Week 1: Requirements SpecificationInclude the overall goals and objectives of the application or system.Include elicitation methods that are used to gather requirements.Describe functional requirements.Include a short description of the function being supported, a detailed description of the requirements, and how they will be measured during testing.Describe the nonfunctional requirements, also known as attributes of the system addressing areas such as usability, security, and performance.Include a short description of attribute category, a detailed description of the requirements, and how they will be measured during testing.Include assumptions and constraints to frame the scope of the project.Name the document "yourname_IT425_IP1.doc."Please submit your assignment.

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