Structure: Termite Mound
How do termites direct or control their daily activities? Who coordinates their work? How do they repair parts of mounds that are destroyed? One theory from the study of termite behavior is that termite mounds reflect a self-organizing process where order emerges “out of chaos” (Morgan, 1993). For this Discussion, you will compare the termite behavior to the self-organizing properties of organizations. In addition, you will have an opportunity to provide meaning to what different types of “mounds” mean to different organizations.
For this Discussion, review this week- resources.
a comparison of termite behavior to the self-organizing properties of humans in organizations. Then, explain how the different types of “mounds” might relate to different propensities of organizations, such as autopoeisis, chaos and complexity, cybernetic system thinking, or dialectics.
Note: Provide two academic resources in APA style and citation format to support your topic.
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2013). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (5th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Chapter 4, “Structure and Restructuring” (pp. 69-93) Chapter 18, “Reframing Change in Organizations” (pp. 371-392)
Morgan, G. (2006). Images of organization. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Chapter 8, “Unfolding Logics of Change: Organization as Flux and Transformation” (pp. 241-290) Walley, E. E., & Stubbs, M. (2000, Spring). Termites and champions: Case comparisons by metaphor. Greener Management International, (29), 41-54. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
FreedomLab (Producer). (2010). Margaret Wheatley: Leadership and the new science: Command and control only leads to more chaos [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.margaretwheatley.com/video/freedomlab.html
Bonabeau, E., & Meyer, C. (2001, May). Swarm intelligence. A whole new way to think about business. Harvard Business Review, 79(5), 106-114, 165. Eisenhardt, K. M., & Sull, D. N. (2001, January). Strategy as simple rules. Harvard Business Review, 79(1), 107-116.
Public Broadcasting System. (2011). Nature: The animal house: The incredible termite mound [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/the-animal-house/the-incredible-termite-mound/7222/ Public Broadcasting System (Producer). (2013). Diorama: What- inside the termite nest [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttp://video.pbs.org/video/2365144426/

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