PMGT 530 Week 12 Assignment help | Harrisburg University

PMGT 530 Week 12 Assignment help | Harrisburg University 

Week 12 Assignment

Create a Response Proposal to the RFP

This is a team-based assignment.  Each team is to design a response to the Request For Proposals using the scenario provided in that assignment. Your team is to develop a complete response proposal to the RFP.  The complete RFP response proposal is to be submitted by the deadline assigned by your instructor.  Each RFP response proposal must include a summary page that clearly identifies which team members were responsible for specific sections of the response.

 A rubric is included to help each team understand how the assignment will be graded. 

Assignment Rubric – Request For Proposal – Response Proposal


The Response Proposal contains all the required sections. The proposal demonstrates creativity and innovativeness in its design.


The information comprising the Response Proposal demonstrates a knowledge of the content to be contained in each section of the document and is responsive to the initial RFP.


Each section of the RFP is complete. All of the required information is included and described in a concise and logical manner so that a reviewer would clearly understand what is being proposed.


The text is grammatically correct and there are no spelling or punctuation errors. The Response Proposal demonstrates that each member of the team participated in an equal manner.





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