PSY/610 PSY610 PSY 610 Week 2 Discussion 1

PSY 610 Week 2 Discussion 1
Week 2 - Discussion
 Attitude Adjustment 
An attitude is an evaluative reaction (i.e., feelings), often based on belief and demonstrated through behavior. In this discussion, we will consider intergroup attitudes by examining stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.
To inform your thinking on this topic, begin by reading “Toward a Relevant Psychology of Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination: Linking Science and Practice to Develop Interventions that Work in Community Settings” (Acevedo-Polakovich, Beck, Hawks, & Ogdie, 2016), “Intergroup Contact Theory” (Pettigrew, 1998), and “Summary and Conclusions” (Sherif, Harvey, Hood, Sherif, & White, 1988).
Then, select a group.  Possible dimensions from which you may select your group include, but are not limited to:  race, gender, social class, nationality, sexual identity, (dis)ability, rural versus urban status, religious belief, incarceration/criminal history, occupational status, victim, military status, and so on.  Provide a brief summary of the group and concrete examples to illustrate.  Summarize social psychological theory and research relevant to the experiences of members of this target group (e.g., What are the origins of prejudice toward this group? What are the influences on members of this group? etc.), and explain practical, original, and specific strategies for enhancing intergroup relations.
Your initial post should be 500-1000 words in length and must contain a minimum of three scholarly, peer-reviewed references, in addition to required course resources as applicable.  Additional credible references are encouraged.
Guided Response: Respond to at least two of your classmates by Day 5 to stimulate more meaningful and interactive discourse in the discussion forum. In addition, respond to classmates (and/or the instructor, if applicable) who replied to your initial post by Day 7.  Your responses must demonstrate a sophisticated understanding or application of the concepts covered in Week 2.
At least two of your responses should be a minimum of 150 words each.
The following general suggestions may be useful as you craft your replies:
•	Ask clarifying or thought provoking questions.
•	Provide personal or professional examples that further illustrate relevant social psychological concepts identified in your classmate’s post.
•	Supply additional information that might influence your classmate’s interpretation. For example, recommend resources that further support their position or identify possible alternative explanations.
•	Relate the content in your classmate’s post to that of your own or another classmate’s initial contribution to this discussion.

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