Solve the following problems showing your work. You may copy & paste the problems on your word processor. Each problem 4 points, total 100 points.
Solve the following problems.
1.    187 textbooks is 11% of how many textbooks?
2.    What is 40% of 6220?
3.    30 is what percent of 2000?
4.    What is 3/5% of $690?
5.    Find the fractional equivalent of 45%.
6.    A stock selling for $19 per share pays a 9% dividend. Find the dividend per share.
7.    Office furniture is offered at 17% off the manufacturer- suggested retail price of $1198. Find the discount and the sale price of the furniture.
8.    The Riverview Cafe had a bank balance of $31,365.14 at the beginning of January. During the month, the firm made deposits of $3614.25, $1086.10, $87.32, and $211.67. A total of $13,984.18 in checks was paid by the bank during the month. Find the restaurant- checking account balance at the end of January.
Complete the following payroll ledger. Find (a), (b), and (c) for each employee. Time and a half is paid on all hours over 40 in one week.
Employee	Hours Worked	Reg. Hr.	O.T. Hr.	Reg. Rate	Gross Earnings
9.    Ewert	62	(a)	(b)	$15.75	(c)
10. Fresno	51.5	(a)	(b)	$6.00	(c)
Find the federal withholding tax using the wage bracket method for each of the following employees.
11. T. Markey: 3 withholding allowances, married, $3177 monthly earnings.
12. A. Belsman: 0 withholding allowance, single, $1020 monthly earnings.
13. Find the net pay for F. Stensen if the FICA rate is 6.2%, Medicare rate is 1.45%, and state disability rate is 1%. Stensen has not earned over $105,000 so far this year. Stensen had monthly earnings of $3124.86, has 1 withholding allowance, is single, and has $62 in other deductions. Use the percentage method of withholding.
Find the net cost (invoice amount) for the following. Round to the nearest cent.
14. List price: $72.10 less 15/10.
15. List price: $862 less 10/20/5.
Find (a) the net cost equivalent and (b) the single discount equivalent for the following series discounts.
16. 20/10
17. 15/20/15
Find the final discount date for the following.
      Invoice Date       Terms       ___Date Goods_
18. September 14  2/15 ROG        October 20 30
19. August 3         4/15-40 extra  August 12 31
20. April 3             2/10 EOM       April 17 32.
Solve for (a), (b), and (c).
21.     (a)     C     (c)  
          (b)    M_  $45
        100%  S   $360
22.    100% C   $475  
          15% M_   (b)_
          (a)   S     (c)
23.      (a)     C     (b)  
          20%  M_   (c)
        100%  S   $499
Complete the following (a), (b), and (c). If there is no operating loss or absolute loss, write “none”.
                    Operating   Break-even    Reduced    Operating    Absolute
        Cost       Expense         Point           Price         Loss            Loss__
24.     $16         $3.25            (a)             $13            (b)             (c)
25.    $4.50         (a)            $5.25           3.75           (b)             (c)

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