1 A n __________ is client software that displays Web page elements and handles links between pages.

2.	HTML is called a markup language because authors mark up their documents by inserting HTML tags, which represent special instructions that specify how the document should appear when displayed on a computer screen or printed.

3.	The __________ for a Web site's main page, such as www.cnn.com, is usually short and to the point.

4.	__________ is a protocol that works in conjunction with TCP/IP to get Web resources to your desktop.

5.	A Web server's response to a browser's request includes an HTTP __________ that indicates whether the browser's request could be fulfilled.

6.	A __________ enables a Web server to keep track of your activity and compile a list of your purchases.

7.	__________ provides tools specifically designed to enter and format Web page text, graphics, and links.

8.	When you purchase a textbook online from a site such as www.amazon.com, you are participating in __________; however, when you purchase a used digital camera directly from the owner on an online auction, you are participating in __________ e-commerce.

9.	As Jessica begins her research of just how shopping carts work, she is surprised to find that many e-commerce sites store information about her Web visits on her hard drive. What do these sites use to store visit information?

10.	Most e-mail software has an HTML option. If the recipient of your HTML e-mail does not have HTML-compliant e-mail software, your message will be delivered as plain, unformatted __________ text.

11.	__________ temporarily stores new messages in your inbox on an e-mail server. When you request your mail, it is downloaded and stored on your computer.

12.	Web-based e-mail allows you to use a(n) __________ to access and view your e-mail messages.

13.	__________ e-mail stores your e-mail messages on a server, where you have less control over who can access them.

14.	To avoid becoming a spam victim you should:

15.	__________ schemes redirect users to fake sites by poisoning a domain name server with a fake IP address, whereas __________ is an e-mail scam designed to persuade you into revealing confidential information by replying to an e-mail.


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