HUM 115 WEEK 4 Simulation

HUM 115 WEEK 4 Simulation 
Complete the assessments in the Week 4 Games cape
Submit your answers in the Assignment Files tab above.
As you are completing your GameScape you will answer questions that are saved in your Journal. After you complete the GameScape each week you can download your Journal by clicking the Download Journal link on the screen. This will save your answers in a PDF that you can post to the class. This PDF is what you are posting for the GameScape Assessment each week. 
GameScapes are graded based on your score in the game and the quality of your answers to the reflection questions. I encourage you to use the word count as a guide to the level of detail needed when responding. If you would like to improve your Game Score, you can restart the game by closing your current session and launching the game again. You want to choose the option to start from the beginning when asked. 

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