Question	Points
1.	Geography is united by the __________ perspective, which is common to all its fields.
a.   temporal
b.   institutional
c.   spatial
d.   functional
e.   sexual

2.	The ratio of distance on a map to actual ground distance is known as:
a.   the map legend
b.   a map scale
c.   a point symbol
d.   a or b above
e.   a functional region
3.	The process by which water circulates from the oceans to the landmasses is known as:
a.   hydrologic cycle
b.   evapotranspiration
c.   precipitation distribution
d.   water systems
e.   none of the above
4.	Which of the following is the strongest example of a European nation-state?
a.   Bosnia
b.   Northern Ireland
c.   Poland
d.   Belgium
e.   Spain
5.	Complementarity deals with the fact that commodity flows between A and B depend upon:
a.   a surplus of a commodity at place A and a deficit of the commodity at place B
b.   the existence of transportation routes between A and B
c.   supply at A and a transportation link to B
d.   demand at B and a transportation link between A and B
e.   none of the above
6.	The downtown area of a city is known as the:
a.   primate area
b.   central area
c.   levitation
d.   Central Business District
e.   core area
7.	An economic activity that is important in Finland is:
a.   forestry
b.   computer programming
c.   steel production
d.   aluminum
e.   banking
8.	Copenhagen serves as:
a.   the capital of Denmark
b.   a break-of-bulk point
c.   an entrepôt
d.   the Baltics' leading port
e.   all of the above
9.	Which of the following is not one of the four Motors of Europe?
a.   Tirane (Albania)
b.   Milan
c.   Stuttgart
d.   Barcelona
e.   Lyon
10.	The mountain chain in west central Russia that is often regarded as the boundary between Europe and Asia is called the:
a.   Ukraines
b.   Urals
c.   Caucasus
d.   Central Asiatic Ranges
e.   Carpathians
11.	A major difference between the colonial empire of Russia, on the one hand, and Britain and France on the other is that:
a.   Britain and France kept their colonies for 50 years longer than Russia
b.   Russia's empire is territorially contiguous
c.   France attempted acculturation of its empire, but Russia did not
d.   Russia only took colonies in Africa, whereas Britain and France established worldwide empires
e.   Russia's colonies were granted independence as part of the Bolshevik Revolution
12.	In the Russian revolution of 1917:
a.   the czars defeated the communists
b.   the Bolsheviks defeated the Leninists
c.   the Bolsheviks defeated the Mensheviks
d.   the whites defeated the reds
e.   the capitalists defeated the communists
13.	The physiographic region called the Canadian Shield:
a.   is the geologic core of North America
b.   is an intermontane zone
c.   consists of an extensive sedimentary surface
d.   is bordered on the west by the Appalachian Mountains
e.   is also known as the Arctic Coastal Plain
14.	The major mountain chain in the eastern United States is the:
a.   Rockies
b.   Appalachians
c.   Cascades
d.   Atlantic Mountains
e.   there are no mountains in the eastern United States
15.	Canada began to unify around:
a.   1867
b.   1800
c.   1914
d.   1776
e.   1650
16.	NAFTA includes all of the following countries except:
a.   Bahamas
b.   United States
c.   Mexico
d.   Canada
e.   All are in NAFTA
17.	A narrow strip of land connecting two larger land bodies is known as a(n):
a.   spine
b.   isthmus
c.   Oriente
d.   rimland
e.   peninsula
18.	As a group, the islands Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico are known as:
a.   Latin America
b.   Non-Latin America
c.   the Hispanic Caribbean
d.   the Lesser Antilles
e.   the Greater Antilles
19.	The Spanish introduced which of the following domesticated animals to Middle America?
a.   bees
b.   turkeys
c.   cattle
d.   camels
e.   chickens
20.	Which of the following is an independent country?
a.   Martinique
b.   Jamaica
c.   Guadeloupe
d.   Aruba
e.   Curaçao
21.	The process by which great haciendas were formed from Amerindian lands was called:
a.   land takeover
b.   expropriation
c.   land alienation
d.   land fall
e.   none of the above
22.	Bogotá, Colombia's capital city, is located:
a.   on the arid Pacific coast
b.   on the Caribbean Sea at the outlet of the Magdalena Valley
c.   in a major Andean Basin
d.   at the intersection of three valleys in the eastern savanna zone near the Chilean border
e.   in the llanos
23.	The major river of Venezuela's iron-rich eastern region is the:
a.   Rio de la Plata
b.   Caracas
c.   Amazon
d.   Orinoco
e.   Maracaibo
24.	The desert in the North of Chile is the:
a.   Chilean
b.   Peruvian
c.   Atacama
d.   there is no desert in the north of Chile
e.   none of the above
25.	The most important sector of the African economy is:
a.   mining
b.   industry
c.   agriculture
d.   illicit drug trafficking
e.   the periodic market
26.	The great river in southern Africa is the:
a.   Zambezi
b.   Zimbabwe
c.   Nile
d.   Congo
e.   Purple
27.	The system of racial separation in the Republic of South Africa was known as:
a.   Amandla
b.   Racial Separation
c.   Apartheid
d.   Transkei
e.   Bantustans
28.	Which of the following countries borders Lake Victoria?
a.   Sudan
b.   Uganda
c.   Malawi
d.   The Congo
e.   Ethiopia
29.	The Aswan High Dam is located on the:
a.   Shatt-al-Arab
b.   Nile River
c.   Persian Gulf
d.   Suez Canal
e.   The Tigris River
30.	The Mediterranean coast of Africa is known as a:
a.   tell
b.   qanat
c.   fertigation
d.   avia
e.   none of the above
31.	The country which claims Spanish Sahara is.
a.   Egypt
b.   Morocco
c.   Jordan
d.   Libya
e.   Chad
32.	The Vakhan Corridor is found within the country of:
a.   Sudan
b.   Saudi Arabia
c.   Afghanistan
d.   Somalia
e.   Pakistan
33.	India is comprised of:
a.   6 large states
b.   6 large states and 2 Union Territories
c.   5 Hill states, Assam, and Punjab
d.   India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
e.   28 States, 6 Union Territories, and 1 National Capital Territory
34.	The forward capital of Pakistan, completed in the 1970s, is:
a.   Islamabad
b.   Baluchistan
c.   Rawalpindi
d.   Karachi
e.   Dhaka
35.	Bangladesh came into existence:
a.   following a war of independence against India
b.   when British India was partitioned in 1947
c.   as a refuge for Hindus
d.   following a war of independence against Pakistan
e.   out of the former Indian state of West Bengal
36.	The official language of India, one of 14 given national status, is:
a.   Hindi
b.   English
c.   Charisma
d.   Sikh
e.   Nehru
37.	Historically, China's most influential philosopher and teacher was:
a.   Buddha
b.   Muhammad
c.   Confucius
d.   Mao Zedong
e.   Gandhi
38.	The former Portuguese possession near the mouth of the Xi (West)/Pearl River is:
a.   Hong Kong (Xianggang)
b.   Macau (Macao)
c.   Timor
d.   Shandong
e.   Hainan Island
39.	The largest Chinese province in population is:
a.   Sichuan
b.   Mandarin
c.   Canton
d.   Peking
e.   Hunan
40.	Which region contains Tibet?
a.   South China
b.   Inner Mongolia
c.   Xinjiang
d.   Xizang
e.   Northeast China
41.	In Myanmar, Thailand, and Cambodia, most of the people are:
a.   Buddhists
b.   Hindu
c.   Muslims
d.   Chinese
e.   Indians
42.	The small oil rich Islamic sultanate in Southeast Asia is:
a.   Indonesia
b.   Singapore
c.   Brunei
d.   Thailand
e.   Luzon
43.	Angkor Wat is located in which country?
a.   Vietnam
b.   Cambodia
c.   Laos
d.   Brunei
e.   Indonesia
44.	The island of ________ is the westernmost island of Indonesia.
a.   Singapore
b.   Borneo
c.   Sumatera (Sumatra)
d.   Luzon
e.   Jawa (Java)
45.	The Spanish were replaced in the Philippines by the:
a.   French
b.   British
c.   Dutch
d.   Japanese
e.   Americans
46.	Today, about _______% of Australia's population is from the British Isles
a.   10
b.   33
c.   90
d.   1
e.   67
47.	The Eddie Mabo ruling in Australia deals with the rights of:
a.   Aborigines
b.   Japanese immigrants
c.   Tasmanians
d.   original British migrants
e.   none of the above
48.	Which of the following is located on New Zealand's North Island?
a.   Auckland
b.   Canterbury Plain
c.   Adelaide
d.   Southern Alps
e.   Tasmania
49.	The island of New Guinea is included in the region known as:
a.   Melanesia
b.   Micronesia
c.   Polynesia
d.   Fiji
e.   Indonesia
50.	Which of the following is true about Micronesia?
a.   Most persons are black.
b.   It includes the island of Nauru.
c.   Only in Micronesia do we find high islands.
d.   Only in Micronesia do we find low islands.
e.   About 37% of the population is of French origi


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