GEO 207 WEEK 3 Knowledge Check
Global Geography
Match the Key Term with the proper definition
1. Heartland theory 1. The various degenerative effects of distance on human spatial structures and interactions.
2. Distance decay 2. The reorganization of a country's agriculture under communism that involves the expropriation of private holdings and their incorporation into relatively large-scale units.
3. Collectivization 3. A decreasing national population. Russia, which now loses nearly 1 million people per year, is the best example.
4. Unitary state system 4. A nation-state that has a centralized government and administration that exercises power equally over all parts of the state.
5. Permafrost 5. The 14 former Soviet republics that, together with the dominant Russian Republic, constituted the U.S.S.R.
6. Near Abroad 6. Permanently frozen water in the near-surface soil and bedrock of cold environments, producing the effect of completely frozen ground.
7. Oligarchs 7. Opportunists in post-Soviet Russia who used their ties to government to enrich themselves.
8. Tundra 8. The hypothesis, proposed by British geographer Halford Mackinder during the early twentieth century, that any political power based in the heart of Eurasia could gain sufficient strength to eventually dominate the world.
9. Taiga 9. The treeless plain that lies along the Artic shore in northernmost Russia and Canada, whose vegetation consists of mosses, lichens, and certain hardy grasses.
10. Population decline 10. The subarctic, mostly coniferous snowforest that blankets northern Russia and Canada south of the tundra that lines the Arctic shore.