CRJ 325 WEEK 5 The first priority in a preliminary homicide investigation is to:
It can be assumed that a victim has died on land if:
death is caused by carbon monoxide poisoning, lividity is:
study of 800 homicide cases found that investigators are more likely to clear a homicide 
stiffening of portions of the body after death is referred to as:
Which of the following factors can assist in establishing time of death?
More officers lose their lives to suicide than homicide.
Staging refers to:
What type of murder usually includes the killing of three or more separate victims with a "cooling off" period between the killings?
Rigor mortis is at its maximum at about ________ hours after death.
dead body that sinks in water usually remains immersed for:
Noncriminal homicide includes:
poison known as the King of Poisons and the Poison of Kings is:
Premeditation would be a requirement in which case?
Equivocal death investigations are those inquiries that are open to interpretation as to the cause of death.
Which of the following statements is not true with regard to death investigations?
a.    Body temperature drops 2 to 3 degrees in the first hour after death
b.    Rigor mortis appears first in the smaller muscles, such as those of the face
c.    After about 36 hours, rigor mortis usually disappears in the same sequence as it appeared
d.    Maximum lividity occurs within 15-20 hours after death
Hint: p. 275
SLO5:Describe various types of deaths and the way to handle the preliminary investigation of them as well as why the clearance rate of death investigations is declining.
LO5D:Describe the information provided by the medical examiner or coroner

What may occur if a body is exposed to an extremely hot and dry climate?

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