
please read the example I would like exactly this design and write specific information about my question this is my Dissertation please, please do this for the first time I will not pay extra money if you didn't.
Please I need to the personal account in each database, so that you can “save your searches” in that database account.*Each chapter should have a brief outline of one paragraph, stating the purpose of the chapter:*Chapter 1: Introduction: which includes a brief author profile and a rationale for the dissertation (why did you choose this subject?) a background of the subject ending with an outline of the review.  Chapter 2: A review of the literature around your subject & a chapter summary.
Provide a chapter outline (what will be presented in this chapter), include a little here on vaccination and include any barriers to its uptake in the older generation, why is this an important issue in public health.. Finally again, provide a chapter summary.I would start by breaking down my research question into key concepts, for example by using a framework such as PICO (Patient/Population – Intervention – Comparison if there is one – Outcomes)or PEO (Patient/Population/Problem – Exposure to a treatment, experience, service – Outcomes). Think about alternative words or ways of describing each of your concepts: e.g.What factors influence the decision of elderly people, aged 65 years or more, about whether to accept or refuse influenza vaccination?P – elderly people/older adults/seniors/over 65 years E - influenza, flu /vaccine, vaccination, inoculation O – accept, refuse, refusal, compliance, reluctance, success, awareness, understanding      Think about any limits that you wish to include in your database searches, e.g. English language papers only, peer-reviewed or research articles only, published in the last 10 years.
Test out your search in one database, e.g. Medline via Ebsco, PubMed, Global Health, CINAHL. You will need to search each term one at a time:1.    Elderly2.    Older adults3.    Seniors4.    Over 655.    1 OR 2 OR 3 OR 46.    Influenza7.    Flu8.    6 OR 79.    VaccineIn the very last line of your search, you would combine your P – E -O  with AND instead of with OR: e.g. 5 AND 8 AND 12 AND 19 Then, go to “Find Databases” at the top of the page. Then, type in the name of the database, e.g. Medlineyou will need to search in at least 3 or databases (Medline, CINAHL, PubMed, Global Health, Web of Science, Cochrane Library). It is best to choose the Advanced Search option in each database (except for Web of Science). You can create a personal account in each database, so that you can “save your searches” in that database account.

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