Instructions: Using multipleexamplesfrom the two papers below, define anddistinguish between confounding, effect modification, and mediationand explain what important information, about the association between exposure and the outcome,in each respective paper,is obtained by doing analyses for confounding, effect modification and mediation. •You shoulddiscuss both papers where appropriate,meaning thatif both papers illustrate the concept of confounding you should includeexamples from both papers, not just one. •Your description must include interpretation of numerical data from each paper. Multiple examples ofnumerical data, that best illustrate the concepts you are explaining,mustbe includedin your paper, preferablyin the form of tables. It is recommended that you extract illustrative data from the paper and incorporate them, intables you create yourself, rather than simply capturing tables directly from the paper. It must be unambiguously clear that you understand how to interpret the data you select.See Appendixon pg 3 for more details.•Information from lectures can be considered common knowledge and does not have to be cited
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