Healthcare Finance

Assignment Questions that need to be answered.
1.Using the historical data as a guide, construct a pro forma (forecasted) profit and loss statement for the clinic's average month for all of 2014 assuming the status quo. With no change in volume (utilization), is the clinic projected to make a profit?
2.Now consider the clinic's situation without the new marketing program. How many additional daily visits must be generated to break even? Construct a breakeven graph that can be included in your report.
3.Repeat the Question 2 analysis, but now assume that the new marketing program is implemented.
4.What is the projected profitability of the urgent care center for the entire year if volume continues at its current level?
5.How many additional visits per day would be required to break even without the new marketing program?
6.How many additional visits per day would be required to break even assuming that the new marketing program is undertaken?
How many additional daily visits would the new program have to bring in to make it worthwhile, regardless of the overall profitability of the clinic? In addition, Nicole wondered if the clinic could “inflate” its way to profitability; that is, if volume remained at its current level, could the clinic be expected to become profitable in, say, five years, solely because of inflationary increases in revenues?
Unit 1
1. Critically examine the revenue cycle in order to identify and resolve inefficiencies that can adversely impact the financial performance of the organization.
2. Examine the implications associated with financial decision-making and practice.
Unit 2
1. Consider how the accepted accounting principles (GAAP) guide the preparation of financial information needed to make the best-informed decisions, including primary investment decisions.
2. Examine the effect of a depreciable asset on a company’s taxes.
3. Construct and analyze income statements.
Unit 4
1. Critique the influence that net income, competitive position, and market structure have on decisions relative to service pricing.
2. Consider the importance of a contribution margin in deciding to continue or discontinue services.
3. Construct a projected profit and loss statement and cost-volume-profit analysis to determine breakeven points (dollar and volume).
4. Evaluate the impact of fixed costs (FC), variable costs (VC), and direct costs on a firm’s service price breakeven (B/E) analysis. 

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