MGMT/210 MGMT210 MGMT 210 MODULE 9 Assignment 1

MGMT 210 MODULE 9 Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Individual Activity Report


For this assignment, you will turn in your Letter/Report to BluJay Aviation, Inc. Include your company name in the letter/report.

The letter/report should be submitted to BluJay Aviation, Inc., from your consulting business. Be sure to include a bill for your services. Make it appropriate for the amount of work. The letter/report should be approximately 2-4 pages, again editing and rewriting normally improves work. The format should be a typical business letter/report style.

Remember as a business consultant, your company needs to make recommendations for Episodes 6, 7, 8, and 9 and be backed up with data, making any reasonable assumptions your company deems necessary. Refer back to the instructions in Module 5.2 and grading rubric before submitting your letter/report.

Save and submit your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.


MGMT 210 9.6 BluJay Individual Activity Rubric

MGMT 210 9.6 BluJay Individual Activity Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConnections: Course Materials

25.0 pts

Makes insightful connections between the topics of the course and recommendations for BluJay.

20.0 pts

Makes appropriate connections between the topics of the course and recommendations for BluJay.

15.0 pts

Makes somewhat vague connections between the topics of the course and recommendations for BluJay.

5.0 pts

Makes little or no connection between the topics of the course and recommendations for BluJay.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdeas

25.0 pts

Excels in responding to assignment, demonstrates interesting ideas and thorough thought process.

20.0 pts

Appropriate responses with sound ideas and reasonable thought process.

15.0 pts

Adequate but weaker ideas. Uses more general terms and shows lapses in the thought process.

5.0 pts

No clear ideas and inappropriate responses to the assignment.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation of Financial Data

20.0 pts

Presents all valid financial information backing up estimates with referenced sources. Uses ratio analysis to defend the recommendations and makes all calculations without error.

15.0 pts

Presents some financial information with referenced sources. Uses some ratio analysis to defend the recommendations and makes all calculations without error.

10.0 pts

Presents some financial information with some referenced sources. Uses some ratio analysis to defend the recommendations and makes some calculations without error.

5.0 pts

Presents only minimal financial information with no referenced sources. Uses no ratio analysis to defend the recommendations. Ratios or calculations presented have numerous errors.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of Financial Data

20.0 pts

Makes realistic, appropriate, and insightful analysis clearly supported by the financial information.

15.0 pts

Makes realistic and appropriate analysis clearly supported by the financial information.

10.0 pts

Makes realistic or appropriate analysis supported by the financial information.

5.0 pts

Makes realistic or appropriate recommendations with limited support from the financial information.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Skills

10.0 pts

Writing is totally free of grammar and spelling errors. Clear and concise presentation of ideas. The format is a typical business letter/report style submitted to BluJay Aviation, Inc and includes a bill for the service.

8.0 pts

There are occasional spelling errors. Clear presentation of ideas. The format may or may not be a typical business letter/report style submitted to BluJay Aviation, Inc and may or may not include a bill for the service.

6.0 pts

There are more than occasional spelling errors. Most ideas are presented clearly. The format may or may not be a typical business letter/report style submitted to BluJay Aviation, Inc and may or may not include a bill for the service.

4.0 pts

Spelling errors are frequent. Hard to follow the ideas. The format is not a typical business letter/report style submitted to BluJay Aviation, Inc and/or does not include a bill for the service.

10.0 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWW_ASTM_PO_01.1

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threshold: 1.0 pts

1.0 pts

Meets Expectations

0.0 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations



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