
Q1. Explain how Indigenous people define ‘indigeneity’ by illustrating their notions of identity and origins (i.e. what are their key narratives?)
Q2. Explain how geneticists define ‘indigeneity’ by illustrating their notions of identity and origins (i.e. what are their key narratives). 
Q3. Explain the benefits of inferring relatedness, identity, and cultural affiliation forIndigenous peoples using ancient DNA and analysis of ancestry.
Q4. Explain the limitations of, and the drawbacks (e.g. risks and/or disadvantages) ofinferring relatedness, identity, and cultural affiliation for Indigenous peoples using ancient DNA and ancestry analysis. 
Q5. Explain the ethical considerations of genetic research pertaining to Indigenouspopulations (including identity), and the solutions for mitigating these ethical challenges 
with Indigenous Communities.  

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