
1. Consider the LPP with objective function Z = 10x + 10y subject to the fifiveconstraints: 5x + 8y = 200; 25x x 10y = 250; x + y = 150; x = 0; y = 0. Which one of the following best describes the optimal solutions (maximum and minimum) forZ subject to the constraints? (A) The maximum value of Z is 1500 and occurs only at the point (50, 100). (B) The maximum value of Z is 400 and occurs only at the point (40, 0). (C) The minimum value of Z is 310 and occurs only at the point (16, 15). (D) The maximum value of Z is 1500 and occurs at all points on the edge joining (50, 100) to (150, 0). (E) (A) and (C). (F) (C) and (D).< Read less

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