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To be submitted through Turnitin within 24 HOURS
Late submissions will be awarded a mark of zero
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University procedures for Unfair Practice will be implemented as normal
In-text citations and referencing must be used where appropriate
Your answer must be submitted in a Word document only
Provide examples to demonstrate that you understand and can applythe concepts, as appropriate
1. Critically analyse the changing commercial environment, by providing examples explain how these changes impacts SMEs.
2. Critically analyse the franchise business model against the development of a new independent enterprise.
3. Discuss and evaluate the following statement: Innovation is more than simply coming up with good ideas, it is the process of growing them into practical use.
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of starting and developing a family business.
5. Account for the growth and importance of entrepreneurial activity over the last 20 years. Discuss in your view whether this constitutes an entrepreneurial revolution.
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