Interagency Communication

On the date of 23rd August 2005, Hurricane Katrina began about 200 miles in the direction of the southeast at Nassau in the Bahamas in the form of the tropical depression. The timing of the tropical storm is elaborating below:
In the evening of 25 August 2005, Katrina became a hurricane before landfall making nearby the Miami Dade/Broward county line.
At the timing, when Hurricane Katrina levelled New Orleans, many peoples left behind their ruined homes and took refuge here. These peoples found new jobs and rebuilt their houses. The things began normal again slowly. But then a nameless storm brought unprecedented flooding to Baton Rouge and a broad swath for southern Louisiana. Several Katrina survivors have been left for the second time with nothing.
Many peoples remain missing along a week after the rainfall. Scores of fire fighters, police officers and other first responders fanned out across the region
Initial responses by first responders related to the emergency management event
This analysis report is the case study which provides the exploration of emergency response for Hurricane Katrina. On the morning of 29 August 2015, hurricane Katrina roared into New Orleans city which sustained the winds excess at 120 miles/hour with a tidal surge of 28 foot. It strengthens tidal wave created different breaches in the levee system of city which elaborated the outcomes as 80% flooding in New Orland. As the storm passed away from the city, the communication division of NOPD received approximate 600 calls for assisting in an emergency within the timing of 23 minutes.
As per police statement, the citizens started to plead and beg for help. Additionally, the NOPD Communications Division received the report that various police districts are being disabled because of the widespread flooding and approximate 300 police cruiser had flooded. Monastery from the storm the NOPD has nine police districts in operational condition. It is being reported that various police officers stranded on the home’s rooftops throughout the rescued city. The NOPD is the only law enforcement agency which got paralyzed through Hurricane Katrina. Various wave lands police officers are being stranded in trees for washing prevention away by the storm’s tidal surge Time Frame The time frame is from August 29, 2005 to January 15, 2007. And this timing involves the NOPD rescue and the enforcement operations at the immediate timing aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  It should also note that NOPD study timing, it was still facing the problems which had the association with Hurricane Katrina.
Integrate terms related to emergency management
The name NOPD elaborates New Orleans Police department. It is being demonized and eulogized often unfairly and inaccurately sometimes to conduct Hurricane Katrina which hit land many years ago. However, the media is being focused on the NOPD legal actions and indulged in the speculation about the NOPD’s conduct in Katrina wake, little attention paid for complex and the contradictory narratives which emerged for explaining the police conduct during the storm.
With the NOPD as organizational paralysis, these legacy narratives call out the closer examination for determining that how the NOPD can enhance the realistic and the measurable paths, an assessment which is based on the criminologists and public health professors’ perspectives.
FEMA can be termed as Federal Emergency Management Agency. It is a government appointed organization. This organization provides the residents requirements which are being affected by Hurricane Katrina. In this analysis, the FEMA assessment elaborates the results and failures which are connected with Hurricane Katrina attack in New Orleans, Louisiana. However other states also get affected by storm, including Alabama and Mississippi.
The results revealed the manipulation by government interference against the efforts made by other relief agencies, victim requirement’s insufficient knowledge, and wariness of quick reaction. The result was disastrous and its shows the delay in relief and rescue efforts, life loss, public trust demise and government security imposition. (Buxton, Ondracek, Saeed, & Bertsch, 2017)
The state and Local authorities requires responding in decisively manner at disaster event. The government should not wait for the politician’s commands for taking the actions as the Hurricane Katrina case. Along with the resources should have the dedication for the earliest action as the requirement gets identify. It is better to have the more resources availability for the disaster response instead of the resources critical shortage. The federal Government plays an important role for addressing the disaster. Every city must ensure that the required emergency vehicles are available for all the time for aiding the swift response. 

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