While there may have been a decrease in unionization in the United States, there is a continued need for business leaders to be proactive in addressing some of the needs of their employees. Some of the needs identified include equal pay, elder and/or childcare and increases in benefits. To what extent do businesses and government agencies have a duty to provide additional benefits to employees beyond fair pay and good working conditions?In today’s workplace, multiple generations are working in the together and not always in complete harmony. These multi-generational employees struggle with communication, perceived work ethics, company culture and cultural expectations. (Gausepohl, 2018) Our text outlines these varying generations as:The four generations differ greatly with the forms of communication each is comfortable with. The baby boomer generation prefers face to face communication whereas Gen Xers and the Millennials are more comfortable with electronic or telephonic communications. (Sawayer, 2017) Also, perceptions about another generation’s work ethic can be a source of contention. Gen Xers are lazy and baby boomers are workaholics. And while the Gen Zers may like the ping pong table in the break room, the Gen Xers are looking for a relaxing space to enjoy their lunch.Managing the differing expectations across these groups is challenging. We find guidance in Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” (ESV) By remaining respectful of each other in the workplace, a positive experience can be had by everyone. Workplace mentoring is an excellent way of bringing different generations together and inspiring respect across generations. In addition, this leads to cross training between positions.Managers also need to focus on what stage in life their employees are at and respect the differences between generations. While a Millennial may appreciate traveling or extended training, a baby boomer may not be much interested. Respecting what stage of life your employees are at will help a manager to keep employees engaged and interested in their positions. (Gausepohl, 2018)Each generation in the workplace has valuable experiences and expertise to share. The Bible has many passages giving guidance on respecting each other. We need to heed this guidance in the workplace as well as at home. We need to listen to each other instead of just hearing each other speak.
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