
State why the dependent variable has been chosen for analysis
Identify the primary independent variable and defend why it is important
Write the general form of the model
Define and defend all variables
State the Expectations for each independent variable Addressed for each variable
How is the variable defined in data sourceWhich unit of measurement is used?For independent variables, why does the variable determine change in the dependent variable?What sign is expected for the independent variable's coefficient, positive or negative and why
Describe the data and identify the data sources
Identify which general sources and from which specific tables are the data taken
Which year or years were the data collected
Are there any data limitations
Perform Multiple Linear Regression analysis on data, present regression output and evaluate results (significance of Adjusted R-squared and independent variables)
Write the regression (prediction) equation
Identify and interpret the adjusted R2 (one paragraph) Discussion of the empirical results from the regression analysis Use the proper format to list the works cited under two headings: Research: a minimum of two sources Data: a separate citation for each of the variables used in the paper 

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