Your goal for the Math 13 project is to use statistical analysis to answer a question you are curious about. I would like you to use multiple techniques from this course to collect and explore the data set. Be sure to course use both descriptive and inferential statistics.
The final form of your project is an informal paper which should tell the story of your question, the data, its analysis, and the results. Make sure you address the following:
1.Describe your question and any surrounding information that is relevant.2.Describe how and what data was collected. 3.Describe the techniques you used to analyze the data. Were the requirements, if any, of these techniques met?4.Present your results using graphics to clarify concepts.5.Conclusion.6.Discuss implications, problems with the study, types of bias, confounding, etc.When grading your project I will look for clarity, appropriateness of analysis, the analysis, interpretation, and thoroughness.
Your paper should be written so that other math 13 students could find interest and follow along.
Don’t just collect and present data – this paper should be driven by the question you are curious about.
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