US History

1.Write three or more sentences describing each of the following key terms:
a.Freedom Riders
b.James Meredith
c.Civil Rights Act of 1964
d.Freedom Summer
e.Fannie Lou Hamer
f.Voting Rights Act of 1965
2.In 1961, __________ a white civil rights activist joined CORE members on a historic bus trip to the south 
3.Who was the leader of CORE in 1960? Who was the leader of SNCC in 1960? 
4.What does the acronym CORE stand for?  SNCC?
5.What action(s) was taken by Attorney General, Bobby Kennedy, when the Freedom Riders returned to Birmingham, Alabama?
6.Once the Freedom Riders were brutally attacked, what action(s) were taken by President Kennedy?
7.In 1962, _________________, an African American Air Force veteran, won a federal court case that allowed him to enroll in what university? ______________
8.What action(s) were taken by President Kennedy to assist James Meredith?
9.Explain what Dr. King’s “Letters from a Birmingham Jail” were. 
10.Who was arrested for this tragic and despicable event? Why was this individual not sent to prison?
11.It is estimated how many people showed up for the March on Washington? How many of the protestors were white Americans?
12.Two weeks after Dr. Kings “I Have a Dream Speech,” what tragic event occurred in Birmingham, Alabama?
13.On July 2, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the ____________
14.What actions were taken by President Johnson to ensure the safety and security of all protestors during the march from Selma to Montgomery?
15.State the full intent of the 24th Constitutional Amendment. 

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