Linear Control Systems

Project Outline This project consists of three tasks, which are described in the following four pages.
The students must turn in a hard-copy nal report, and software codes consisting of MATLAB M-Files and SIMULINK model les. The project report and codes must be submitted individually. Identical reports or codes render zero credits for the entire project
Final Report
A hard-copy nal report of the project is required. The report should contain the following parts for each
? Formulas and derivations for each of the tasks
? Analytical and/or numerical results
? Plots or gures that
? Discussion of the results as required.
Task 1. Verifying Servomechanism Model
Consider a mechanical system consisting of a gear train driving an inertial load JL. The objective is to control the rotation of the load ?L(t)

Task 1. Design of a Controller Using Position and Velocity Feedback

Task 2. Controller Design Using Root-Locus 

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