For your final graded project, you will be doing the following: Please create tables in this order,else things may not work properly as keys are linked and data imports won’t work because of referential integrity issues. There is a reason why creating tables in some manner matters.
1. Create 3 tables (Classifications, offerings, products) with the table structure provided in excelsheet.
2. Insert values manually using insert queries in appropriate tables from respective sheet
3. Create 4th table (company offerings) with table structure, load the data from excel (don’tinsert this table manually, instead use the data load method we used to bulk load 220 row)
a. Add 3 columns to the table (after loading data)
b. We will call this MasterTable1
4. Create 5th Table (Company Products)
a. We will call this MasterTable2
b. Do some data manipulation as listed in the section below.
5. MasterTable1 will be our primary
a. Merge/join/update/subquery etc, Update MasterTable2’s Product_Code to MasterTable1’s productCode (only valid matching product codes allowed – to test referential integrity).
b. Populate inserted_or_Updated fields respectively and Status_Date field with the date when there is an update to that record when added valid product code
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