Database Concepts

The Unit 1 Assignment introduces you to a real-world scenario in which it will be helpful to use a database for planning and organizing a family reunion. Using what you learned in your reading about relational databases and gathering database requirements, you will write a paper in which you demonstrate your understanding of the components of a relational database.
You need to understand these concepts before you can begin to design a relational database for the family reunion scenario. Assignment Instructions: Scenario: You are going to be in charge of your family reunion this year, and you have decided to set up a database to hold all your family information. Before you begin developing the actual database, you need to do a bit of research. You need to find out what a relational database is and how to develop one. As a database administrator, it is important to understand the conceptual nature of a relational database. Database administrators today continually research customer's needs when designing and developing a database. This activity will help prepare you to conduct this type of research.
You will compose an essay that fulfills the following requirements: Provide a detailed explanation to support your position. Be sure your essay demonstrates superior organization and is well-ordered, logical, and unified. Your essay should show no evidence of plagiarism, and you must cite at least two scholarly references to support your position. Follow all writing requirements, referring to Written Assignment Requirements for details. Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors, and contain no evidence of plagiarism. Follow all APA style guidelines, including properly formatted title and reference pages. Your paper must be at least two pages long, double-spaced, excluding the title and reference pages. 
In your paper you must demonstrate knowledge of a relational database. Your goal is to demonstrate to your professor that you understand what a relational database is. Describe the six database objects available in Access and describe the five step design method discussed in your reading. The paper must be written in your own words. You are encouraged to read the assigned readings first to gain valuable insight for your paper. Assignment Requirements: Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor's discretion. 

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