CIS/568 CIS568 CIS 568 WEEK 6 Supporting Activity 4

CIS 568 WEEK 6 Supporting Activity 4


Supporting Activity 4 QUESTION

 Keeping Abreast with Technology



Keeping Abreast of Technology Technology is rapidly changing and it is important that we continuously learn and keep abreast with technology. Many businesses close because they did not keep abreast with the technology. Think about your situation and answer the following question. How do you plan to keep abreast of technology and stay current and productive. List 3 magazines that you read

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Keeping Abreast with Technology

Keeping Abreast of Technology


Technology is rapidly changing and it is important that we continuously learn and keep abreast with technology.  Many businesses close because they did not keep abreast with the technology. 

Think about your situation and answer the following question. 

How do you plan to keep abreast of technology and stay current and productive. 



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